Friday, August 30, 2024

Weekly Commentary: Money Machines

Money Market Fund Assets (MMFA) rose another $21 billion the past week to a record $6.263 TN, with a notable four-week gain of $128 billion. MMFA expanded $680 billion, or 12.2%, over the past year, with two-year growth of $1.695 TN, or 37%, and a five-year expansion of $2.899 TN, or 86%. One would think such phenomenal growth in a key monetary aggregate would arouse a little analytical curiosity.

A couple decades back, I argued passionately against the conventional view that “only banks create money.” Sure, it is true that only banks create bank deposits. But what about money market fund deposits and other highly liquid short-term holdings, such as repurchase agreements (“repos”)? As they’ve evolved to dominate finance, non-banks have come to issue Trillions of monetary liabilities. I’ve been amazed at how long the antiquated notion of the Fed and banks’ commanding role in system “money” supply expansion has endured.

While that debate has (kind of) been “settled”, the conventional focus on the banking system persists. Bank loan growth is closely monitored as an indication of general demand for Credit. And the economic community still leans on the M2 monetary aggregate, a narrow definition of “money” that excludes institutional money fund assets and a wide range of monetary instruments. It seems economists don’t know how to approach the analysis of money funds, while Wall Street would prefer not to discuss the issue.

The most common view is also the most simplistic. MMFA is seen as “money” on the sideline, waiting for a good opportunity to buy stocks. Rapid growth in money fund deposits suggests excessive risk aversion – conveniently viewed as a bullish contrarian market signal.

There’s a more insightful framework for analyzing money funds. The money market is the key venue for intermediating finance throughout the contemporary non-bank sector (including broker/dealers and hedge funds). In general, money fund assets expand when non-banks issue short-term liabilities – when their new borrowings are financed by the money fund complex.

It may be helpful to think in terms of traditional “fractional reserve banking” and the bank deposit multiplier. Here a bank takes a deposit, withholds a fraction of it (say 20%) as a reserve, and uses the remaining amount (80%) to fund a new loan. This loan creates a new deposit within the banking system, where it (less the 20% reserve) can be lent to a new borrower – creating yet another new deposit.

Throughout history, fractional reserve banking has been at the epicenter of Bubble inflations, boom and bust cycles, and destabilizing bank runs. During the Great Depression, Irving Fisher proposed a full 100% reserve requirement. Milton Friedman in the 1960s was a vocal proponent of fully reserved bank deposits. Some advocates of Austrian Economics have gone much further, arguing that fractional reserve banking is the root cause of instability and tantamount to fraud. Murray Rothbard argued that fractional reserve banking was an inflationary “government-backed shell game” that created “money out of thin air.”

But the expansion of bank deposits was at least somewhat restrained by reserve requirements. With the powerful dynamic of the money markets intermediating non-bank Credit expansion, I began to refer to an “infinite multiplier” effect in the late nineties.To say this analysis was not well received is an understatement. Yet the unrestrained expansion of money market-based Credit was fundamental to the great mortgage finance Bubble inflation. It remains fundamental to the much greater global government finance super Bubble inflation.

In last week’s CBB, I excerpted from Bloomberg Intelligence Brian Meehan’s research report, “Can Historic $1.1 Trillion Net Short Basis Trade Hold or Crack?” Meehan noted that “leveraged net shorts of Treasury futures have surged to a historic $1.1 trillion in notional value, accelerating 38% ($300bn) in the past four months.”

I’ve been doing this for too long to believe in coincidences. Money Market Fund Assets have expanded $285 billion (14.3% annualized) over the past four months (to a record $6.263 TN).

In a “basis trade,” hedge funds borrow in the repo market to take highly levered positions in Treasury bonds, while hedging market risk through the shorting of Treasury futures. The expansion of repo liabilities creates – or “multiplies” – marketplace liquidity. Similar to how a new bank loan creates a new deposit at another institution that can be used for a new loan, when a hedge fund borrows in the repo market to purchase a Treasury bond, the seller now has new liquidity that will be deposited in the money market complex, where it becomes available to fund another levered “basis trade” repo transaction (or other forms of securities finance).

In the nine (mortgage finance Bubble “terminal phase”) quarters Q1 2006 through Q1 2008, the repo market (Z.1 “Federal Funds and Security Repurchase Agreements”) expanded $1.406 TN, or 37%. Over this period, Money Fund Assets inflated $1.416 TN, or 70%. It’s worth noting that Money Fund Assets expanded a blistering $928 billion in the three quarters following the June 2007 subprime mortgage eruption.

The second notable period was the six quarters Q3 2018 through Q1 2020, where the repo market expanded $1.226 TN, or 34%, while Money Market Fund Assets inflated $1.584 TN, or 50%.

Both above periods of explosive repo/MMFA growth foreshadowed major financial crises. Ponder this: was the historic growth in money market assets primarily the consequence of heightened risk aversion, or was it instead fueled by aggressive late-cycle leveraged speculation? A related issue to contemplate: does inevitable “terminal phase” instability and the certainty of an aggressive monetary stimulus response (lower rates and QE) further promote speculative leverage and extend precarious late-cycle excess?

The expansion of repo borrowings and Money Market Fund Assets in 2007 corresponded with the Fed’s special August 2007 liquidity injections and rate cuts that began in earnest the following month. The 2019 expansions corresponded with the July 2019 rate cut and the September restart of QE.

Over the years, I’ve tried to explain the precarious nature of Bubbles fueled by “money.” A Bubble financed with, for example, junk bonds won’t get too carried away before the marketplace protests, “no more junk!” The relatively short-lived Bubble inflated by the expansion of higher risk Credit ensures it won’t impart deep structural maladjustment.

Unlike junk, “money” essentially enjoys insatiable demand. As such, a Bubble fueled by perceived safe and liquid money-like debt instruments, left unchecked, will inflate over many years and leave a legacy of deep systemic distortions and maladjustment.

Fueled by money-like “AAA” GSE-backed mortgage securities, Wall Street repo liabilities, and an interventionist central bank, total mortgage debt doubled in six years of mortgage finance Bubble excess. Deep market distortion and structural maladjustment ensured the so-called “great financial crisis.”

The global government finance Bubble dwarfs all previous Bubbles. Insatiable demand for perceived safe government debt and central bank Credit has allowed this Bubble to inflate for more than 15 years. Years of massive deficit spending ensure deeply systemic economic maladjustment. Endemic deficit spending has inflated incomes and corporate profits, in the process working to inflate historic securities, housing and other asset market Bubbles.

Importantly, Fed monetization (QE), interest-rate manipulation and market intervention have fomented historic market price distortions. Inflationist monetary policy has ensured that government debt has mushroomed without impacting the perception of safety and liquidity (moneyness).

The current Bubble has been inflating for so long that Bubble analysis is easily dismissed. Yet it is important to appreciate that the “basis trade” is the ultimate “Terminal Phase” government finance Bubble manifestation. Only in the perceived safest and most liquid money-like government debt instruments would it be possible to operate at 50 to 100 times leverage. Only after years of recurring Federal Reserve market interventions, open-ended (i.e., $5 TN) liquidity injections and bailouts would speculators attain the confidence level necessary to accumulate egregious amounts of speculative leverage.

And that this Bubble has inflated so massively and systemically gives the levered players – and markets more generally – confidence that the Fed now has no alternative than to react aggressively to quell nascent de-risking/deleveraging instability (explaining why the market on August 5th priced as much as 148bps of rate reduction by year end). The immediate response to the March 2023 banking crisis bolstered the view that the Fed would inflate first and ask questions later. This further emboldened the “too-big-to-fail” levered “basis trade” players.

Global bond yields reversed higher this week. U.S. house price inflation was stronger-than-expected, as was Conference Board Consumer Confidence. Q2 GDP was revised to 3.0% from 2.8%, with Personal Consumption upgraded to 2.9% from 2.2%. July’s 0.5% gain in Personal Spending boosted one-year growth to 5.3%.

“Dovish pivots” and rate cut signaling are dangerous business in an environment of aggressive levered speculation and enterprising “basis trade” operators. These “Money Machines” are showering Bubble markets and segments of our maladjusted economy with liquidity excess. Financial conditions remain excessively loose, boosting the odds of upside economic and inflation surprises. They’re “Terminal Phase” phenomena, specifically because aggressive speculative leveraging extends late boom cycle excess, sowing the seeds for an especially destabilizing de-risking/deleveraging. Much like fractional reserve banking and bank runs, the money market “infinite multiplier” doesn’t work well in reverse. We have proof (October 2008 and March 2020).

For the Week:

The S&P500 added 0.2% (up 18.4% y-t-d), and the Dow increased 0.9% (up 10.3%). The Utilities gained 0.9% (up 20.8%). The Banks jumped 2.0% (up 20.7%), and the Broker/Dealers added 0.4% (up 21.9%). The Transports increased 0.5% (up 0.9%). The S&P 400 Midcaps slipped 0.2% (up 11.1%), while the small cap Russell 2000 was unchanged (up 9.4%). The Nasdaq100 declined 0.7% (up 16.3%). The Semiconductors lost 1.3% (up 23.6%). The Biotechs added 0.2% (up 8.4%). With bullion slipping $9, the HUI gold index declined 1.9% (up 28.7%).

Three-month Treasury bill rates ended the week at 4.9675%. Two-year government yields were unchanged at 3.92% (down 33bps y-t-d). Five-year T-note yields rose five bps to 3.70% (down 14bps). Ten-year Treasury yields jumped 10 bps to 3.90% (up 2bps). Long bond yields rose 10 bps to 4.20% (up 17bps). Benchmark Fannie Mae MBS yields jumped 11 bps to 5.17% (down 11bps).

Italian yields surged 13 bps to 3.70% (unchanged y-t-d). Greek 10-year yields rose nine bps to 3.35% (up 30bps). Spain's 10-year yields jumped 11 bps to 3.13% (up 14bps). German bund yields gained seven bps to 2.30% (up 28bps). French yields rose nine bps to 3.03% (up 47bps). The French to German 10-year bond spread widened two to 73 bps. U.K. 10-year gilt yields rose 10 bps to 4.02% (up 48bps). U.K.'s FTSE equities index increased 0.6% (up 8.3% y-t-d).

Japan's Nikkei Equities Index increased 0.7% (up 15.5% y-t-d). Japanese 10-year "JGB" yields were unchanged at 0.90% (up 28bps y-t-d). France's CAC40 gained 0.7% (up 1.2%). The German DAX equities index jumped 1.5% (up 12.9%). Spain's IBEX 35 equities index advanced 1.1% (up 12.9%). Italy's FTSE MIB index rose 2.1% (up 13.2%). EM equities were mixed. Brazil's Bovespa index increased 0.3% (up 1.4%), while Mexico's Bolsa index dropped 2.9% (down 9.4%). South Korea's Kospi index fell 1.0% (up 0.7%). India's Sensex equities index gained 1.6% (up 14.0%). China's Shanghai Exchange Index slipped 0.4% (down 4.5%). Turkey's Borsa Istanbul National 100 index rallied 1.7% (up 31.6%).

Federal Reserve Credit declined $9.8 billion last week to $7.091 TN. Fed Credit was down $1.798 TN from the June 22, 2022, peak. Over the past 259 weeks, Fed Credit expanded $3.365 TN, or 90%. Fed Credit inflated $4.280 TN, or 152%, over the past 616 weeks. Elsewhere, Fed holdings for foreign owners of Treasury, Agency Debt increased $2.1 billion last week to $3.300 TN. "Custody holdings" were down $135 billion y-o-y, or 3.9%.

Total money market fund assets jumped $21 billion to a record $6.263 TN. Money funds were up $376 billion y-t-d, or 9.5% annualized, and $680 billion, or 12.2%, y-o-y.

Total Commercial Paper was unchanged at $1.236 TN. CP was up $51 billion, or 4.3%, over the past year.

Freddie Mac 30-year fixed mortgage rates dropped 11 bps to a 15-month low to 6.35% (down 87bps y-o-y). Fifteen-year rates fell 11 bps to 5.51% (down 118bps). Bankrate's survey of jumbo mortgage borrowing costs had 30-year fixed rates down eight bps to 6.85% (down 70bps).

Currency Watch:

For the week, the U.S. Dollar Index rallied 1.0% to 101.698 (up 0.4% y-t-d). For the week on the upside, the New Zealand dollar increased 0.3% and the Canadian dollar added 0.1%. On the downside, the Mexican peso declined 3.1%, the Brazilian real 2.2%, the Norwegian krone 1.4%, the euro 1.3%, the Japanese yen 1.2%, the Swedish krona 0.9%, the British pound 0.7%, the South African rand 0.6%, the South Korean won 0.6%, the Australian dollar 0.4%, the Singapore dollar 0.4%, and the Swiss franc 0.2%. The Chinese (onshore) renminbi increased 0.42% versus the dollar (up 0.12% y-t-d).

Commodities Watch:

August 29 – Reuters (Salma El Wardany and Grant Smith): “Libya’s political crisis is threatening to return the OPEC member’s oil production to the chaos that plagued it for years after the toppling of dictator Moammar Al Qaddafi. The North African nation’s crude output was slashed in half this week as authorities in the east shuttered more than 500,000 barrels a day amid a fight with the Tripoli-based government for control of the central bank. All the nation’s eastern export terminals closed on Thursday.”

August 30 – Bloomberg (Dayanne Sousa and Clarice Couto): “First came wildfires that scorched sugar cane fields. Now, the worst drought in more than four decades is threatening coffee and soybean crops in Brazil. From May through August, some key agriculture areas faced the driest weather since 1981… And there is no relief in sight: there’s no rain in the forecast for at least two more weeks, a period when coffee trees usually flower and farmers start planting soy. The lack of rainfall poses risks for global crop supplies in a world that’s become increasingly dependent on Brazil for everything from sugar to coffee and soybeans.”

The Bloomberg Commodities Index slipped 0.4% (down 2.6% y-t-d). Spot Gold dipped 0.4% to $2,503 (up 21.3%). Silver dropped 3.2% to $28.865 (up 21.3%). WTI crude declined $1.28, or 1.7%, to $73.55 (up 3%). Gasoline slumped 3.2% (up 5%), while Natural Gas rallied 5.2% to $2.127 (down 15%). Copper declined 0.8% (up 8%). Wheat surged 6.1% (down 15%), and Corn rallied 2.8% (down 20%). Bitcoin dropped $5,000, or 7.8%, to $59,210 (up 39%).

Middle East War Watch:

August 29 – Financial Times (James Shotter and Heba Saleh): “Israel’s defence minister said… the country must ‘expand’ its war goals to include ensuring that people displaced by rocket attacks from the Lebanese militant group Hizbollah can return to their homes… Speaking at the start of a meeting with military officials, Yoav Gallant said he would propose to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu that enabling the more than 60,000 Israelis who have been displaced by the exchanges with Hizbollah to return home should become one of the war goals. ‘Our mission on the northern front is clear: to ensure the safe return of northern communities to their homes… In order to achieve this goal, we must expand the goals of the war, and include the safe return of Israel’s northern residents to their homes.’”

August 25 – Reuters (Maytaal Angel and Maya Gebeily): “Hezbollah launched hundreds of rockets and drones at Israel early on Sunday, as Israel's military said it struck Lebanon with around 100 jets to thwart a larger attack, in one of the biggest clashes in more than 10 months of border warfare. Missiles were visible curling up through the dawn sky, dark vapour trails behind them, as an air raid siren sounded in Israel and a distant blast lit the horizon, while smoke rose over houses in Khiam in southern Lebanon… Any major spillover in the fighting, which began in parallel with the war in Gaza, risks morphing into a regional conflagration drawing in Hezbollah's backer Iran and Israel's main ally the United States.”

August 26 – Wall Street Journal (Carrie Keller-Lynn and Dov Lieber): “Hezbollah chief Hassan Nasrallah on Sunday told Lebanese people they could ‘take a breath,’ saying that after a salvo of rockets on Sunday, the Iran-backed militant group was done with retaliation against Israel for the July killing of a senior leader in Beirut. Now, all eyes are on Iran, which had said it too would inflict a ‘painful response’ on Israel after the killing of Ismail Haniyeh, leader of Palestinian militant group Hamas, in Tehran hours after the Hezbollah commander’s death.”

August 26 – Reuters (James Mackenzie): “Israeli officials and media reacted with satisfaction on Monday after a long-expected missile attack by the Iranian-backed Hezbollah movement appeared to have been largely thwarted by pre-emptive Israeli strikes in southern Lebanon. Both Hezbollah and Israel seemed content to let Sunday's attack, in retaliation for the killing of a senior Hezbollah commander in Beirut last month, count as settled for the moment. Israeli government spokesperson David Mencer said Hezbollah had suffered a ‘crushing blow’… but that a longer lasting solution was still needed. ‘The current situation is not sustainable,’ he told a briefing, referring to the tens of thousands evacuated from their homes in northern Israel… ‘Israel will do its duty and return its population to our sovereign territory.’”

August 26 – Reuters: “Iran said… that Israel had lost its power to deter and that the strategic balance in the region had shifted against it, following attacks by the Lebanese armed group Hezbollah. Hezbollah launched hundreds of rockets and drones at Israel early on Sunday, as Israel's military said it had struck Lebanon with around 100 jets to thwart a larger attack, in one of the biggest clashes in more than 10 months of border warfare. ‘Despite the comprehensive support of states like the United States, Israel could not predict the time and place of a limited and managed response by the resistance. Israel has lost its deterrence power,’ Iranian foreign ministry spokesman Nasser Kanaani wrote…. Kanaani added that Israel ‘now has to defend itself within its occupied territories’ and that ‘strategic balances have undergone fundamental changes’ to the detriment of Israel.”

August 29 – Associated Press (Stephanie Liechtenstein): “Iran has further increased its stockpile of uranium enriched to near weapons-grade levels in defiance of international demands, a confidential report by the United Nations’ nuclear watchdog said… The report by the International Atomic Energy Agency… said that as of Aug. 17, Iran has 363.1 pounds of uranium enriched up to 60 %. That’s an increase of 49.8 pounds since the IAEA’s last report in May. Uranium enriched up to 60% purity is just a short, technical step away from weapons-grade levels of 90%.”

August 24 – Reuters (Phil Stewart): “The top U.S. general began an unannounced visit to the Middle East on Saturday to discuss ways to avoid any new escalation in tensions that could spiral into a broader conflict, as the region braces for a threatened Iranian attack against Israel. Air Force General C.Q. Brown, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, began his trip in Jordan and said he will also travel to Egypt and Israel in the coming days to hear the perspectives of military leaders.”

August 28 – Bloomberg (Weilun Soon, Jacob Reid and Alex Longley): “An abandoned oil tanker attacked in the Red Sea by Iran-backed Houthi rebels a week ago appears to be burning and leaking, raising the specter of an environmental disaster, a Pentagon spokesman said… The 900-foot Sounion was hauling 150,000 tons of dense Iraqi crude oil when it was disabled by Houthi militants last week.”

Ukraine War Watch:

August 25 – Wall Street Journal (Matthew Luxmoore and Alexander Ward): “Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky marked his country’s Independence Day on Saturday with a video shot in the region where his armed forces launched a brazen offensive designed to send a message to Russia—and the West. Russian President Vladimir Putin ‘will not dictate any of his red lines to us,’ Zelensky said… ‘Only Ukraine and Ukrainians will determine how to live, what path to take, and what choice to make.’ After a year of gradually losing ground on the battlefield, Zelensky made an audacious gamble to seize back the initiative. His bet is that the operation that began Aug. 6 won’t only knock Russia off balance and force it to shift its troops, but also encourage the West to throw its weight more firmly behind Ukraine.”

August 29 – Associated Press: “After three weeks of fighting, Russia is still struggling to dislodge Ukrainian forces from the Kursk region, a surprisingly slow and low-key response to the first occupation of its territory since World War II. It all comes down to Russian manpower and Russian priorities. With the bulk of its military pressing offensives inside Ukraine, the Kremlin appears to lack enough reserves for now to drive out Kyiv’s forces. President Vladimir Putin doesn’t seem to view the attack… as a grave enough threat to warrant pulling troops from eastern Ukraine’s Donbas region, his priority target. ‘Putin’s focus is on the collapse of the Ukrainian state, which he believes will automatically render any territorial control irrelevant,’ wrote Tatiana Stanovaya, senior fellow at the Carnegie Russia Eurasia Center.”

August 26 – Reuters (Pavel Polityuk, Tom Balmforth and Yuliia Dysa): “Russia attacked Ukraine with more than 200 missiles and drones on Monday, killing seven people and striking energy facilities nationwide, Kyiv said, while neighbouring NATO member Poland reported a drone had probably entered its airspace. Power cuts and water supply outages were reported in many areas, including parts of Kyiv, as officials said the attack - 2-1/2 years since the full-scale invasion - targeted power or other critical infrastructure across the country.”

August 27 – Wall Street Journal (Isabel Coles and Nikita Nikolaienko): “Ukraine said for the first time that it used U.S.-made F-16 jet fighters to intercept drones and missiles as Russia unleashed a massive volley of attacks across Ukraine, battering infrastructure and eroding the country’s air defenses for a second consecutive day. The attacks underscore a desperate problem for Ukraine: how to protect its territory with a limited number of air-defense systems and a diminishing stockpile of interceptor missiles. Ukraine shot down half of the 10 missiles, and 60 of the 81 Iranian-made drones fired by Russia overnight, according to Air Force commander Lt. Gen. Mykola Oleshchuk.”

Market Instability Watch:

August 28 – Bloomberg (Toru Fujioka): “Deputy Governor Ryozo Himino said the Bank of Japan will raise interest rates as long as inflation moves in line with the bank’s view, showing that the central bank’s stance is essentially unchanged despite the ructions in financial markets earlier this month. The BOJ’s basic stance ‘is that it will examine the impact of market developments and the July rate hike,’ Himino said... ‘If it has growing confidence that its outlook for economic activity and prices will be realized, it will adjust the degree of monetary accommodation.’ Himino’s comments reinforce the BOJ’s message that another rate hike remains on the table…”

August 29 – Reuters (Yoruk Bahceli): “Government bond markets, which have enjoyed a summer of solid price gains, now face a reckoning with their bets for speedy central bank rate cuts and slowing inflation, not to mention a tight U.S. presidential election. Benchmark 10-year U.S. Treasury yields are set to end August down nearly 30 bps, their biggest monthly drop this year… Yet big investors reckon that gains will at best lose steam, or, at worst, prove to be overdone. ‘We have many indicators showing that the economy is not falling into a recession. We are just in a soft landing,’ said Guillaume Rigeade, co-head of fixed income at Carmignac. ‘It's not justified to us, this acceleration to a cutting cycle so quick,’ said Rigeade…”

August 25 – Bloomberg (Tania Chen and Marcus Wong): “The hugely popular yen carry trade crashed and burned this month as Japan’s currency surged. A less well-known version of the strategy is likely to be more immune to those kind of shocks. Trades involving borrowing yuan to buy higher-yielding assets are set to be more resilient as China’s central bank keeps its monetary policy dovish, Royal Bank of Canada says. The yuan carry trade differs from the yen one as it mainly involves exporters and multinationals instead of speculators, Macquarie Group Ltd. data shows.”

Global Credit Bubble Watch:

August 24 – Reuters (Oliver Hirt): “Debt levels in the United States and Europe are a risk for international financial stability and for Switzerland, Swiss Finance Minister Karin Keller-Sutter said… In an interview…, Keller-Sutter extolled Switzerland's ‘disciplined’ finances, which she said had enabled the country to deal with the economic challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic and Russia's invasion of Ukraine. By contrast, other countries are ‘so indebted they're hardly able to act any more’, she said, giving France as an example. ‘Or take a look at America. That's a time bomb. The mini-crash on the stock markets at the start of August was a warning shot,’ the minister was quoted as saying. ‘It was an expression of investors' fear of a recession. Debt levels in the U.S. and Europe are a risk to international financial stability and a risk for Switzerland,’ she added.”

AI Bubble Watch:

August 29 – Financial Times (Ian King): “Nvidia Corp. failed to live up to investor hopes with its latest results…, delivering an underwhelming forecast and news of production snags with its much-awaited Blackwell chips. The company’s quarterly report — the most anticipated part of the tech industry’s earnings season — met or beat analysts’ estimates on nearly every measure. But Nvidia investors have grown accustomed to blowout quarters, and the latest numbers didn’t qualify. Moreover, Nvidia’s next big cash cow — the new Blackwell processor lineup — has proved more challenging to manufacture than anticipated. The product is the next generation of the company’s dominant artificial intelligence processor.”

August 28 – Reuters (Laila Kearney and Mrinalika Roy): “U.S. technology companies are pursuing energy assets held by bitcoin miners as they race to secure a shrinking supply of electricity for their rapidly expanding artificial intelligence and cloud computing data centers. Those data centers are driving the fastest U.S. power demand growth since the start of the millennium, outpacing grid expansions and leaving giant technology companies, like Amazon and Microsoft, to scavenge for vast amounts of electricity. The electricity scramble is jolting the energy-intensive cryptocurrency mining industry. Some miners are making huge profits leasing or selling their power-connected infrastructure and sites to tech, while others are losing access to the electricity needed to stay in business. ‘The AI battle for dominance is a battle being had by the biggest and best capitalized companies in the world and they care like their lives depend on it that they win,’ said Greg Beard, CEO of Stronghold Digital Mining… ‘Do they care about what they pay for power? Probably not.’”

August 25 – Wall Street Journal (Ryan McMorrow and Eleanor Olcott): “China’s tech giants have doubled capital spending this year as they splurge on artificial intelligence infrastructure, despite US sanctions designed to limit the country’s progress in the crucial technology. Alibaba, Tencent and Baidu had combined capital expenditure of Rmb50bn ($7bn) in the first half, compared with Rmb23bn a year earlier. The groups said the focus was on buying processors and infrastructure related to powering the training of large language models for AI, both their own models and those of others. TikTok parent ByteDance has also increased AI-related spending, backed by a cash pile of more than $50bn and with the benefit of being privately held and relatively free of investor scrutiny…”

Bubble and Mania Watch:

August 28 – Bloomberg (Catherine Bosley): “The structures underpinning financial market volatility in August as investors unwound yen carry trades warrant a closer look by officials, according to the BIS Bulletin. Investor risk taking remains high, only a portion of trades based on cheap yen funding seem to have been unwound. Other trades, involving more illiquid assets, may be closed more slowly. Signs that leveraged positions were rebuilt once the volatility subsided.”

U.S./Russia/China/Europe Watch:

August 27 – Reuters (Guy Faulconbridge and Vladimir Soldatkin): “Russia said the West was playing with fire by considering allowing Ukraine to strike deep into Russia with Western missiles and cautioned the United States… that World War Three would not be confined to Europe. Ukraine attacked Russia's western Kursk region on Aug. 6 and has carved out a slice of territory in the biggest foreign attack on Russia since World War Two. President Vladimir Putin said there would be a worthy response from Russia to the attack. Sergei Lavrov, who has served as Putin's foreign minister for more than 20 years, said that the West was seeking to escalate the Ukraine war and was ‘asking for trouble’ by considering Ukrainian requests to loosen curbs on using foreign-supplied weapons.”

August 27 – Reuters (Mikhail Flores and Karen Lema): “U.S. ships could escort Philippine vessels on resupply missions in the South China Sea, a top admiral said…, describing what he called an ‘an entirely reasonable option’ that required consultation between the treaty allies, however. The remarks, which are likely to annoy China, were made by Samuel Paparo, commander of the U.S. Indo-Pacific Command… ‘Escort of one vessel to the other is an entirely reasonable option within our Mutual Defense Treaty,’ Paparo told reporters…”

De-globalization and Iron Curtain Watch:

August 26 – Financial Times (Demetri Sevastopulo): “Canada’s Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said Ottawa would impose 100% tariffs on imports of Chinese electric vehicles and 25% levies on Chinese steel and aluminium, in a move replicating recent US measures. Trudeau said Canada was introducing the EV tariffs because China was ‘not playing by the same rules’. It marks the latest example of the US and its allies taking actions to counter what they say are unfair economic practices. ‘Actors like China have chosen to give themselves an unfair advantage in the global marketplace,’ Trudeau said… The announcement came one day after US national security adviser Jake Sullivan met the Canadian prime minister in Canada and urged Ottawa to follow Washington in imposing tariffs.”

August 26 – Associated Press (Rob Gillies): “Canada announced… it is launching a 100% tariff on imports of Chinese-made electric vehicles, matching U.S. tariffs imposed over what Western governments say are China’s subsidies that give its industry an unfair advantage. The announcement came after encouragement by U.S. national security advisor Jake Sullivan during a meeting with Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and Cabinet ministers… Trudeau said Canada also will impose a 25% tariff on Chinese steel and aluminum. ‘Actors like China have chosen to give themselves an unfair advantage in the global marketplace,’ he said.”

August 26 – Financial Times (Harry Dempsey and Edward White): “Chinese export controls on crucial semiconductor materials are hitting supply chains and stoking fears of shortfalls in western production of advanced chips and military optical hardware. Beijing’s curbs on shipments of germanium and gallium, which are used for semiconductor applications and military and communications equipment components, have led to an almost twofold increase in the minerals’ prices in Europe over the past year. China introduced the restrictions, which it says safeguard its ‘national security and interests’, last year in response to US-led controls on sales of advanced chips and chipmaking equipment.”

August 29 – Wall Street Journal (Greg Ip): “China’s economy is unusual. Whereas consumers contribute 50% to 75% of gross domestic product in other major economies, in China they account for 40%. Investment, such as in property, infrastructure and factories, and exports provide most of the rest. Lately, that low consumption has become a headwind to China’s growth because property investment… has collapsed. This isn’t just a problem for China; it’s a problem for the whole world. What Chinese companies can’t sell to Chinese consumers, they export. The result: an annual trade surplus in goods now of almost $900 billion, or 0.8% of global gross domestic product. That surplus effectively requires other countries to run trade deficits.”

Inflation Watch:

August 27 – Yahoo Finance (Dani Romero): “US home prices started the summer at a record high while the pace of price increases moderated in June. The S&P CoreLogic Case-Shiller National Home Price Index increased 0.2% over the prior month in June on a seasonally adjusted basis, less than the 0.3% rise seen in May but marking a fifth straight monthly increase and an all-time high for the index. On an annual basis, prices nationally rose 5.4%... The index tracking home prices in the 20 largest US cities gained 0.4% in June from May, exceeding the… estimate of 0.3% while matching May's monthly jump. The 20-city index rose 6.5% compared to last June.”

August 25 – New York Times (Emily Flitter): “For the poorest Americans, finding an apartment to rent or a home to buy often means tapping into a vast network of nonprofit groups that use public and charitable funds to rehab or build affordable housing. Over the past year, the skyrocketing cost of property insurance has put that network on shaky ground. In Houston, hundreds of apartments once protected from rising rents are being sold off to landlords who can charge the full market rate. In Selma, Ala., insurance premiums are keeping even heavily subsidized homes out of buyers’ reach. In Kingsville, Texas, a planned affordable housing development was scrapped entirely. Costs are rising for homeowners of all types, and in states like Florida, Texas and California, it has become harder to get insurance at all.”

August 27 – Associated Press (Mae Anderson): “While many costs have come down for small business, rents remain high and in some cases are still rising, forcing many owners into some uncomfortable decisions. ‘Every time the rent goes up, we have to raise prices, to keep up with the cost,’ said Adelita Valentine, owner of HairFreek Barbers in Los Angeles. ‘But with the cost of living, it makes it difficult on our customers.’ Other owners are choosing to be late on payments or seeking out new locations where the rent is lower. A few are pushing back against their landlord. Although inflation is easing, it remains a top concern for small businesses.”

Federal Reserve Watch:

August 28 – Bloomberg (Catarina Saraiva and Craig Torres): “With a September interest-rate cut all but certain and attention turning to the pace of future reductions, Federal Reserve officials are coalescing around a gradual approach to the last mile of their inflation fight. A handful of policymakers at the Fed’s annual research symposium… last week made the case for lowering rates in a ‘gradual’ or ‘methodical’ manner. That pushed back against investor expectations for at least one outsized cut this fall. Inflation hasn’t yet fully cooled to their 2% target, the Fed officials argued.”

August 26 – Bloomberg (Christopher Condon): “Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond President Thomas Barkin says he still sees upside risks for inflation, though he supports ‘dialing down’ interest rates in the face of a cooling labor market. ‘Really good’ data would be required over the next six months to bring inflation, on a year-over-year basis, to the Fed’s 2% goal, Barkin tells Bloomberg’s Odd Lots podcast… ‘If the numbers are just pretty good, not really good, there’s a risk that we plateau at some level over 2%.’ Barkin also sees medium-term risks to inflation from geopolitical events, deglobalization and housing.”

U.S. Economic Bubble Watch:

August 27 – Reuters (Lucia Mutikani): “U.S. consumer confidence rose to a six-month high in August amid optimism over the economic outlook, but Americans are becoming more anxious about the labor market… The better-than-expected reading in consumer confidence, reported by the Conference Board…, reflected improved perceptions of business conditions over the next six months, and the survey suggested the odds of a recession had continued to decline… The Conference Board's consumer confidence index increased to 103.3 this month, the highest level since February, from an upwardly revised 101.9 in July.”

August 29 – Associated Press (Paul Wiseman): “The U.S. economy grew last quarter at a healthy 3% annual pace, fueled by strong consumer spending and business investment, the government said… in an upgrade of its initial assessment. The Commerce Department had previously estimated that the nation’s gross domestic product… expanded at a 2.8% rate from April through June. The second-quarter growth marked a sharp acceleration from a sluggish 1.4% growth rate in the first three months of 2024. Consumer spending… rose at a 2.9% annual rate last quarter. That was up from 2.3% in the government’s initial estimate. Business investment expanded at a 7.5% rate, led by a 10.8% jump in investment in equipment.”

August 30 – Reuters (Lucia Mutikani): “U.S. consumer spending increased solidly in July, suggesting the economy remained on firmer ground early in the third quarter and arguing against a half-percentage-point interest rate cut from the Federal Reserve next month. The report… also showed prices rising moderately last month, curbing inflation… Consumer spending… rose 0.5% last month after advancing by an unrevised 0.3% in June… The increase in spending was across both goods and services, with outlays on motor vehicles and parts leading the charge. Consumers also spent more on housing and utilities, food and beverages, recreation services as well as financial services and insurance. They also boosted spending on healthcare, visited restaurants and bars and stayed at hotels.”

August 29 – Reuters (Lucia Mutikani): “The number of Americans filing new applications for jobless benefits slipped last week, but re-employment opportunities for laid-off workers are becoming more scarce… Initial claims for state unemployment benefits fell 2,000 to a seasonally adjusted 231,000 for the week ended Aug. 24. Economists… had forecast 232,000 claims for the latest week. Claims have retreated from an 11-month high in late July as distortions from temporary motor vehicle plant shutdowns for new model retooling and the impact of Hurricane Beryl faded.”

August 29 – Associated Press (Alex Veiga): “The average rate on a 30-year mortgage eased for the second week in a row and remains at its lowest level in more than a year, good news for prospective homebuyers facing home prices near all-time highs. The rate fell to 6.35% from 6.46% last week… A year ago, the rate averaged 7.18%. The last time the average rate was this low was May 11, 2023.”

August 29 – CNBC (Diana Olick): “Mortgage rates fell last week for the fourth straight week, but neither current homeowners nor homebuyers seemed particularly impressed… Despite the drop, demand to refinance decreased 0.1% from the previous week. It was, however, 85% higher than the same week one year ago… Applications for a mortgage to purchase a home rose 1% for the week but were 9% lower than the same week one year ago.”

August 26 – Bloomberg (Alex Tanzi): “Mortgages locked in at low costs provided US consumers with an extra $600 billion in spending cash since 2022, blunting the impact of the Federal Reserve’s interest-rate hikes, according to analysis by the Swiss Re Institute. The boost received by homeowners with fixed-rate mortgages amounted to almost 2% of all personal consumption spending, wrote economists Mahir Rasheed and James Finucane… The effect has been to mute the impact of monetary policy transmission, as consumer demand proved resilient to Fed hikes.”

August 29 – Bloomberg (Alex Veiga): “A gauge of pending US sales of existing homes sunk in July to the lowest level on record, as high prices and borrowing costs continue to scare buyers away. A National Association of Realtors index of contract signings fell 5.5% to 70.2 last month, the lowest in data back to 2001… The drop was larger than all estimates… and reflected declining sales in all four major regions. ‘The positive impact of job growth and higher inventory could not overcome affordability challenges and some degree of wait-and-see related to the upcoming US presidential election,’ said NAR Chief Economist Lawrence Yun…”

Fixed Income Watch:

August 27 – Reuters (Shankar Ramakrishnan): “A failed attempt to sell a New York City office tower helped cause more than a year-long delay for two credit rating agencies to downgrade a commercial mortgage bond to junk… The delayed ratings cut of 1740 Broadway bonds blindsided investors in the safest tranche of the commercial mortgage-backed securities (CMBS). The 26% loss on their $157.5 million investment sent shockwaves across financial markets that rely heavily on ratings as an assessment of credit quality, and marked the first loss on a AAA-rated bond since the 2008 financial crisis.”

China Watch:

August 27 – Financial Times (Robin Harding): “In 1975, in what turned out to be the valedictory speech of his long and tumultuous career, Zhou Enlai, the first premier of the People’s Republic of China, declared proudly that his government was free of all debt. ‘In contrast to the economic turmoil and inflation in the capitalist world… we have maintained a balance between our national revenue and expenditure and contracted no external or internal debts.’ Almost half a century later, that attitude is still written on the hearts of finance ministry bureaucrats in Beijing. China’s central government debt has crept up to about 24% of gross domestic product… Yet in contrast, the debts of China’s local governments are vast — 93% of GDP according to IMF figures, which are probably an underestimate — and rising.”

August 29 – Financial Times (Robin Wigglesworth): “China’s ballooning debt burden has been an enduring bogeyman for over a decade. Efforts to restrain it are failing. After expanding rapidly — to 262% of GDP by the end of 2016 — the authorities worked hard to contain things, slowing the growth in 2017 and then even managing a slight decline in 2018-19. Then Covid-19 wrecked this modest progress, and after a burst of deleveraging in 2021, China’s overall non-financial debt-to-GDP ratio is back at a new record and approaching 300%, according to Goldman Sachs.”

August 26 – Bloomberg: “China’s broad budget expenditure contracted and income from land sales for local governments fell at a record pace, a sign of fiscal weakness that may further increase calls on Beijing to add stimulus to support the $17 trillion economy. The combined spending in the general public budget and the government fund account was about 19.7 trillion yuan ($2.8 trillion) in the first seven months of the year, down 2% from the same point in 2023… Behind the decline was a 8.9% decrease in land-related expenditure that includes payments for primary land development and compensation for existing rural infrastructure in preparation for a potential sale… The property fallout on public finances is becoming increasingly evident on the balance sheets of indebted local governments. Their revenue from land sales in July shrank just over 40% on year to 250 billion yuan…”

August 30 – Bloomberg: “China has stepped into the nation’s government bond market, ending months of speculation that officials would act to rein in a relentless bond rally. The People’s Bank of China sold long-dated bonds and bought short-maturity securities in a move that resulted in a net purchase of 100 billion yuan ($14bn) of debt in August… The trades may help curtail aggressive gains in the nation’s bonds that have pushed benchmark yields to a record low as investors bet the central bank will ease monetary policy to support growth.”

August 27 – Financial Times (Joe Leahy, Wenjie Ding, Cheng Leng and Arjun Neil Alim): “China’s plans to issue billions of dollars of government bonds before the end of the year could lead to a correction in the price of the country’s treasuries, people close to the central bank have warned… The warning follows frenzied buying that has driven up the prices of Chinese 10-year central government bonds, pushing yields below 2.2% and leading the People’s Bank of China to caution that a sudden reversal could threaten financial stability. Official data and state media reports indicate that… the government had yet to issue just over half of its planned 2024 quota of local government and special central government ultra-long treasuries, with a total of about Rmb2.68tn ($376bn) still to come.”

August 30 – Bloomberg: “China Vanke Co. reported a half-year loss for the first time in more than two decades, underscoring the pressure on the property developer as it tries to pay off debts during the country’s unprecedented housing slump… Vanke posted a net loss of 9.85 billion yuan ($1.4 billion) in the six months ended June 30, its first on a semi-annual basis since at least 2003… Revenue plunged 29% from a year earlier to 143 billion yuan… Moody’s downgraded Vanke’s debt ratings deeper into junk earlier this month. It now forecasts the developer’s sales to tumble around 30% this year, faster then a 25% drop expected earlier.”

August 30 – Reuters (Rishav Chatterjee): “China's largest property developer Country Garden on Friday further delayed the release of its 2023 financial results, as it needed more time amid an ongoing debt restructuring. The firm had previously delayed the results in March, saying it needed more time to collect information for making appropriate accounting estimates and judgements.”

August 29 – Bloomberg: “China is considering allowing homeowners to refinance as much as $5.4 trillion of mortgages to lower borrowing costs for millions of families and boost consumption. Under the plan, homeowners would be able to renegotiate terms with their current lenders before January, when banks typically reprice mortgages, people familiar… said… They would also be allowed to refinance with a different bank for the first time since the global financial crisis…”

August 28 – Bloomberg: “China’s annual growth target looks increasingly out of reach to economists, with UBS Group AG adding to a string of recent forecast cuts… With economic momentum held back by a real estate downturn and tight fiscal policy, the Swiss bank now expects China’s gross domestic product to expand 4.6% this year — compared with an earlier forecast of 4.9%. For 2025, UBS sees growth at 4%, down from 4.6% previously. The downgrade, coming after weak earnings reports from several top Chinese consumer companies this month, reflects an emerging consensus among the world’s biggest banks that the country might not meet its growth aim of around 5% in 2024.”

August 29 – Financial Times (Chan Ho-him, Cheng Leng and Wenjie Ding): “Offices in China’s biggest cities are emptier than they were during stringent Covid-19 lockdowns in what analysts say is a sign of how the country’s economic slowdown has hurt business confidence. At least a fifth of high-end office space was vacant in the tech hub of Shenzhen in June…, while office vacancy rates in Beijing, Guangzhou and Shanghai were also higher than in June 2022. Overall, rents are at least 10% lower than they were two years ago… ‘The biggest challenge is still the significant reduction in market demand due to the weakening of China’s economic growth expectations,’ said Lucia Leung, greater China research and consultancy director at Knight Frank.”

August 27 – Bloomberg (Rebecca Choong Wilkins): “Protests in China are on the rise as the effects of a slowing economy rattle citizens and Beijing refrains from taking bolder steps to shore up growth. Cases of dissent increased 18% in the second quarter compared to the same period last year in figures documented by the China Dissent Monitor at Freedom House… The majority of events linked to economic issues… Of those events, 44% related to labor and 21% involved aggrieved homeowners… Generally, it defines dissent as acts of voicing grievances, asserting rights or advancing interests in contention with the authorities or the powerful. The report offers a snapshot of sentiment across China, although it doesn’t fully capture discontent in the world’s No. 2 economy. Physical protests are suppressed and deterred by surveillance…”

August 24 – Financial Times (Kaye Wiggins): “Most of the world’s biggest private equity firms, including Blackstone, KKR and Carlyle, have put the brakes on deals in China this year as geopolitical tensions rise and Beijing exerts tighter control over business. Dealmaking in the world’s second-largest economy has slowed significantly, with just five new investments — mostly small — by the 10 largest global buyout firms this year. The figures underscore how quickly overseas investors’ enthusiasm for China, once a hot market, has waned in recent years.”

August 27 – Reuters (Sophie Yu and Deborah Mary Sophia): “China's PDD Holdings missed market estimates for quarterly revenue…, and downbeat comments from executives about China's domestic e-commerce competition and the firm's global outlook sent its shares down more than 28%. The biggest one-day share fall for PDD since it listed in the U.S. in 2018 wiped out nearly $55 billion in market capitalisation. The e-commerce retailer operates discount-focused platforms Pinduoduo in China and Temu for the international market.”

August 29 – New York Times (Tiffany May): “The two veterans of Hong Kong’s long boisterous news media scene didn’t shy away from publishing pro-democracy voices on their Stand News site, even as China cranked up its national security clampdown to silence critics in the city. Then the police came knocking and, more than two and a half years later, a judge Thursday convicted the two journalists — the former editor in chief of Stand News, Chung Pui-kuen, and his successor, Patrick Lam — of conspiring to publish seditious materials on the now-defunct liberal news outlet. Both face potential prison sentences. The landmark ruling highlighted how far press freedom has shrunk in the city, where local news outlets already self censor to survive and some foreign news organizations have left or moved out staff amid increasing scrutiny from the authorities.”

Central Banking Watch:

August 29 – Financial Times (Cheng Leng and Arjun Neil Alim): “China’s central bank purchased Rmb400bn ($56.3bn) of long-dated sovereign bonds on Thursday, a move that traders interpreted as preparation to directly shore up bond yields in its booming debt markets. The People’s Bank of China said it bought Rmb300bn worth of 10-year notes and Rmb100bn of 15-year notes from primary dealers, which had been sold by the Ministry of Finance to roll over maturing bonds only earlier in the day. Analysts said the move… further fuelled speculation that China’s central bank will soon intervene in the bond market to prevent an eventual snapback that could trigger Silicon Valley Bank-style losses in the financial system.”

August 29 – Reuters (Francesco Canepa): “The European Central Bank should avoid cutting interest rates too fast because it has yet to bring inflation down to 2% even if that goal is now in sight, ECB policymaker Joachim Nagel said… ‘Taken together, a timely return to price stability cannot be taken for granted,’ Nagel, the Bundesbank's president, said... ‘Therefore, we need to be careful and must not lower policy rates too quickly…’ Nagel, one of the hawks who favour higher rates, acknowledged that the target was now close but saw risks coming from higher wages and a stronger economic recovery. ‘While our 2 % target is in sight, we have not reached it,’ he added.”

Europe Watch:

August 26 – Guardian (Kim Willsher): “France has been plunged into further political chaos after Emmanuel Macron refused to name a prime minister from the leftwing coalition that won the most parliamentary seats in the snap election last month. The president had hoped consultations would break the political deadlock caused by the election that left the Assemblée Nationale divided into three roughly equal blocks – left, centre and far right – none of which has a majority of seats. After two days of talks with party and parliamentary leaders to break the stalemate and allow him to name a prime minister with cross-party support, Macron’s decision not to choose the New Popular Front’s candidate was met with anger and threats of impeachment.”

August 27 – Associated Press (Barbara Surk): “France’s main left-wing coalition… accused President Emmanuel Macron of denying democracy after he rejected the New Popular Front’s candidate for prime minister following last month’s inconclusive election. As president, Macron has the sole power to name the prime minister according to the French Constitution. French politicians have been deadlocked over a future government since an early legislative vote in July produced no clear winner. The latest tensions include calls for major protests against Macron next week as Paris prepares to host the Paralympic Games with the opening ceremony set for Wednesday evening.”

August 30 – Reuters (Francesco Canepa and Balazs Koranyi): “Inflation in the euro zone fell to its lowest level in three years in August, setting the stage for a further cut in the European Central Bank's interest rates next month despite an Olympics-driven surge in the price of services… Inflation in the 20 countries sharing the euro currency fell to 2.2% this month, the slowest pace since July 2021 and closing in on the ECB's 2% target…”

Japan Watch:

August 29 – Bloomberg (Yoshiaki Nohara): “Inflation in Tokyo picked up speed in August, supporting the case for the Bank of Japan to continue raising rates at a gradual pace as the bank balances the need to support the economy. Consumer prices excluding fresh food rose 2.4% in the capital, an acceleration from 2.2% growth in July…”

August 28 – Reuters (Takahiko Wada and Makiko Yamazaki): “Bank of Japan Deputy Governor Ryozo Himino… reiterated the central bank's stance that it would continue to raise interest rates if inflation stayed on course, while also closely monitoring financial market conditions. His comments echo those from Governor Kazuo Ueda last week, who suggested that recent market volatility would not derail its long-term rate hike plans. The central bank would, however, first need to monitor financial markets with the ‘utmost vigilance’ as they remain unstable, Himino said… The BOJ will examine the impact of recent market volatility, the interest rate hike in July and the course of the U.S. economy on its economic and price outlook, he said. ‘There is no change to our stance that we would adjust monetary easing if economic activity and prices are likely to meet projections,’ he said.”
August 29 – Bloomberg (Erica Yokoyama): “The Japanese government upgraded its monthly economic assessment for the first time in 15 months, citing signs of a recovery in consumption. The Cabinet Office said… the economy is recovering at a moderate pace, and only parts of it are pausing. In July it saw the pause as being more widespread. The government raised its view on consumer spending for the first time in over a year, noting resilience in spending on goods. It also revised up its assessment for housing construction for the first time in over two years.”

Emerging Markets Watch:

August 27 – Wall Street Journal (Jon Emont): “Asia’s fastest-growing economies are hiding a dirty secret: Their youngest workers are battling stubbornly high rates of unemployment. Bangladesh… clocked an average of 6.5% economic growth a year for the last decade. But over the past few years, youth unemployment climbed to 16%—the highest level in at least three decades... China and India recorded the same percentage of young people who are seeking work without success. In Indonesia, the rate is 14%. Malaysia’s is 12.5%. Across these populous nations, that adds up to 30 million people between the ages of 15 and 24 who are looking for jobs but can’t find suitable ones.”

August 28 – Financial Times (Arjun Neil Alim and Chris Kay): “Foreign investors are pulling money out of India’s equity market, cutting their exposure as the US interest rate cycle turns and millions of domestic savers continue to pile into richly valued stocks. Foreign institutional investors have turned net sellers of India-listed shares in August, with net outflows of more than $1bn, according to data from Bloomberg and the Securities and Exchange Board of India. Year-to-date inflows stood at $2.6bn, well below the $22bn recorded last year.”

August 28 – New York Times (Patricia Cohen): “After a new tax increase incited weeks of deadly riots in Kenya early this summer, President William Ruto announced that he was reversing course… Last week, the government reversed itself again... The Ruto administration is desperately trying to raise revenue to pay off billions of dollars in public debt and avoid defaulting on its loans, even as critical public assistance and services are being cut. Governments throughout Africa are facing the same dilemma. The continent’s foreign debt reached more than $1.1 trillion at the end of last year. More than two dozen countries have excessive debt or are at high risk of it… And roughly 900 million people live in countries that spend more on interest payments than on health care or education.”

Leveraged Speculation Watch:

August 30 – Bloomberg (Nishant Kumar, Bei Hu and Takashi Nakamichi): “As losses piled up during the market turmoil in early August, a cohort of traders faced that dreaded moment: a tap on the shoulder from their hedge fund bosses signaling it was time to stop. At least six traders at multistrategy investment firms Millennium Management, Balyasny Asset Management and BlueCrest Capital Management saw their positions liquidated or teams shut… The closures took place as a rapid unwinding of the yen carry trade and jitters over the US economy sent shockwaves across global markets… The departures are part of a ruthless risk-management move that multistrategy hedge funds frequently make to shield themselves from damaging losses and to continue producing the steady returns they are known for.”

August 26 – Bloomberg (Anna J Kaiser): “Ken Griffin is expecting to break ground next year on a 54-story tower in Miami that will serve as headquarters of his Citadel financial empire… The proposed building at 1201 Brickell Bay Drive will have 1.7 million square feet, combining offices and a roughly 413,000-square-foot hotel on the upper floors… The waterfront project is expected to break ground in the third quarter of 2025… The billionaire founder of hedge fund Citadel and market maker Citadel Securities first proposed the project in 2022, with its cost estimated to be more than $1 billion.”

Social, Political, Environmental, Cybersecurity Instability Watch:

August 29 – Bloomberg (Jonathan Tirone): “Iran’s nuclear-fuel levels rose over the last three months, the United Nations watchdog said, potentially ratcheting up tensions that have threatened to spill into a regional war. Monitors from the International Atomic Energy Agency reported Thursday that Iran’s stockpile of highly enriched uranium increased by 16% between June and August… That’s enough to fuel a handful of warheads, should Iran make a political decision to pursue weapons. ‘The continued production and accumulation of high enriched uranium by Iran, the only non-nuclear weapon state to do so, adds to the agency’s concerns’ IAEA Director General Rafael Mariano Grossi said…, also noting the country continues to stonewall monitoring.”

August 26 – Financial Times (Malcolm Moore, Andrew England and Ben Hall): “The world’s nuclear non-proliferation regime is under greater pressure than at any time since the end of the cold war, as ‘important’ countries were openly debating whether to develop atomic weapons, the head of the UN’s watchdog has warned. Rafael Grossi, the director-general of the International Atomic Energy Agency, told the Financial Times that tense relations between the US, Russia and China, as well as the conflict in the Middle East were putting unprecedented strains on the nuclear non-proliferation treaty signed in 1968 that aimed to limit the development of the world’s atomic arsenal. ‘I don’t think in the 1990s you would hear important countries say, ‘well, why don’t we have nuclear weapons too?’ he said.”

August 27 – Politico (Csongor Koromi): “The United Nations' nuclear watchdog chief warned… of heightened risk at the nuclear power plant in Kursk, Russia, where Ukraine has been conducting a military counteroffensive. International Atomic Energy Agency Director General Rafael Grossi led the mission to the nuclear site after Russian President Vladimir Putin claimed it came under fire following Ukraine's incursion into the region… ‘The danger or the possibility of a nuclear accident has emerged near here,’ Grossi told reporters... He added that during his visit of the plant he saw evidence of drone strikes in the area.”

Geopolitical Watch:

August 26 – Financial Times (Leo Lewis and Joe Leahy): “Japan’s most senior government spokesperson has said an unprecedented incursion by a Chinese military plane into Japanese airspace was ‘totally unacceptable’ and a threat to national security. The comments by Japan’s chief cabinet secretary, Yoshimasa Hayashi, follow an incident on Monday in which a Chinese Y-9 military reconnaissance plane violated Japanese airspace around the Danjo islands… ‘It was not just a severe violation of Japan’s sovereignty but a threat to our security,’ Hayashi told a press conference…, adding that Japan would take all possible measures to monitor and act against any future violations of airspace.”

August 26 – Reuters (Mikhail Flores, Liz Lee and Bernard Orr): “The Philippine government slammed China… for ‘repeated aggressive, unprofessional and illegal’ actions in the South China Sea after a string of clashes and incidents on air and at sea over the past week. The Philippines' national maritime council said Chinese aircraft made unsafe manoeuvres against a civilian aircraft conducting patrols over the Scarborough shoal and Subi reef. On Sunday, Chinese vessels also ‘blocked, rammed and fired water cannons’ against a government fisheries vessel while doing a resupply mission to Filipino fishermen in Sabina shoal, it said.”

August 27 – Bloomberg (Salma El Wardany): “More than a decade after the US, European and Arab governments helped Libyans overthrow their tyrannical ruler Moammar Al Qaddafi, a lasting peace remains elusive. The country is split between two governments, with disputes running the risk of spiraling into violence. In mid-August, one government’s ousting of the leadership of the central bank, custodian of the OPEC nation’s vast oil wealth, sparked a new standoff and an order by the rival government to halt crude production, which roiled global energy markets.”

Friday's News Links

[Yahoo/Bloomberg] Stocks Gain as Rate-Cut View Mounts: Markets Wrap

[Yahoo/Bloomberg] Oil Holds Gain on Positive US Economic Data, Libya Disruptions

[Reuters] Morning Bid: Data deluge closes out rollercoaster month

[Reuters] US consumer spending picks up; inflation rises moderately in July

[Yahoo Finance] Fed's preferred inflation gauge shows prices increased in line with Wall Street's expectations in July

[Yahoo/Bloomberg] Tokyo Inflation Tops Expectations, Supporting Case for BOJ Hikes

[Reuters] Japan July jobless rate rises to 2.7%, job availability edges up

[Yahoo/Bloomberg] China PBOC Starts Bond Trading After Warning of Market Stampede

[Yahoo/Bloomberg] Vanke Reports First Half-Year Loss in More Than Two Decades

[Reuters] Country Garden delays 2023 annual results again

[Yahoo/Bloomberg] China Considers Allowing Refinancing on $5.4 Trillion in Mortgages

[Reuters] Lowest euro zone inflation in 3 years sets up ECB for cut

[Yahoo/Bloomberg] ECB Should Proceed Cautiously With Rate Cuts, Schnabel Warns

[Yahoo/Bloomberg] Libya’s Political Feud Threatens Oil Supply Disruption

[Reuters] Hedge funds may lose billions from Temu owner PDD's stock crash

[Reuters] Israel, Hamas set three-day pauses in fighting for Gaza polio shots, WHO says

[AP] Iran has further increased its stockpile of uranium enriched to near weapons-grade levels, UN says

[NYT] Why Interest Rate Cuts Won’t Fix a Global Housing Affordability Crisis

[NYT] Inside the Frantic U.S. Efforts to Contain a Mideast Disaster

[FT] Chinese offices emptier than during Covid pandemic as slowdown hits

Thursday, August 29, 2024

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Wednesday's News Links

[Yahoo/Bloomberg] Global Stocks on Edge as Nvidia Countdown Underway: Markets Wrap

[Yahoo/Bloomberg] Oil Steadies After Technical Drop as US Stockpiles Seen Falling

[Yahoo Finance] Why gold is outperforming nearly everything so far this year

[CNBC] Weekly mortgage demand stalls, even though rates drop to lowest since April 2023

[Reuters] US 30-year mortgage rate falls to lowest since April 2023

[Reuters] BOJ's Himino reiterates readiness to raise rates if economy on track

[Yahoo/Bloomberg] BOJ Deputy Governor Sees Rate Hike Justified If Outlook Realized

[Reuters] AI's race for US energy butts up against bitcoin mining

[Yahoo/Bloomberg] Political Deadlock Revives French Stock Risks After Olympic Calm

[Yahoo/Bloomberg] Red Sea Oil Disaster Risk as US Says Houthi-Hit Tanker Leaks

[Bloomberg] China’s Economic Malaise Stirs Rising Protests on Labor, Housing

[AP] What’s at stake as 2 Hong Kong journalists await a verdict in their sedition trial?

[NYT] Africa’s Debt Crisis Has ‘Catastrophic Implications’ for the World

[WSJ] A Time Bomb Is Threatening Economies Across Asia

[FT] China bond bulls warned over bumper debt supply

[FT] China’s debt divide is hurting its economy

[FT] Learning to live with 50C temperatures

Tuesday Evening Links

[Reuters] Wall Street ends up as investors focus on Nvidia results

[Politico] UN fears nuclear incident possible at Russia’s ‘vulnerable’ Kursk plant after drone strikes

[NYT] What Across-the-Board Tariffs Could Mean for the Global Economy

[WSJ] Ukraine Deploys F-16s Against Russian Barrage but Says It Needs More

[FT] Pentagon warns Red Sea tanker risks ‘environmental catastrophe’

Tuesday Afternoon Links

[Reuters] Wall St muted in choppy trading ahead of Nvidia results, economic data 

[Yahoo/Bloomberg] Mexican Peso Sinks as Judicial Overhaul Clears First Hurdle

[Yahoo/Bloomberg] Oil Falls in Technical Correction From Rally on Libya Disruption

[Reuters] Nvidia results could spur record $300 billion swing in shares, options show

[Reuters] US consumer confidence climbs to six-month high; labor market angst rises

[AP] High rents are forcing small businesses into tough choices like raising prices or changing location

[Reuters] Ukraine's Zelenskiy to present plan to Biden to end war with Russia

[AP] France’s leftist coalition fumes over Macron’s rejection of its candidate to become prime minister

[Reuters] Russia warns the United States of the risks of World War Three

[Bloomberg] Why Libya Has Two Governments, Competing Over Control of Oil

[FT] Brace yourself for an ‘avalanche’ of dollar selling?

Sunday, August 25, 2024

Monday's News Links

[Yahoo/Bloomberg] Stocks Waver as Investors Assess Rate Path: Markets Wrap

[Yahoo/Bloomberg] Oil Rises After Israeli Strikes and Call to Halt Libyan Exports

[Reuters] Dollar drops against yen but broadly stable after last week's decline

[Reuters] Gold marches towards record highs as Powell endorses rate cuts

[Yahoo/Bloomberg] Gold bulls celebrate Jackson Hole as Powell clears a path higher

[Reuters] Morning Bid: Rate-cut hopes meet Mid-East risks

[AP] Israel-Hamas war latest: Iran’s foreign minister vows ‘definitive’ retaliation against Israel

[Reuters] Iran says Hezbollah's attack shows Israel losing its deterrent power

[Reuters] China central bank rolls over maturing loans, injects cash

[Yahoo/Bloomberg] China’s Budget Spending Drops as Land Sales See Record Fall

[AP] Canada imposes a 100% tariff on imports of Chinese-made electric vehicles

[Reuters] Russia launches massive missile and drone attack on Ukraine, Kyiv says

[Reuters] China's actions in South China Sea patently illegal, Philippine Defence Min says

[Bloomberg] Le Pen Rejects Left-Wing Premier as France Awaits Macron’s Pick

[WSJ] After Hezbollah’s Retaliation, All Eyes Fix on Iran

[FT] Hizbollah seeks to draw line under exchange of fire with Israel

[FT] Big Tech in China doubles AI spending despite US restrictions

[FT] Global race for nuclear weapons at record high, warns UN

Sunday Evening Links

[CNBC] Stock futures are little changed after Fed signals rate cuts are imminent: Live updates

[Yahoo/Bloomberg] Five Key Charts to Watch in Global Commodity Markets This Week

[Reuters] Israel and Hezbollah in major missile exchange as escalation fears grow

[Bloomberg] Mideast on Edge After Israel Bombs Lebanon to Thwart Attack

[Reuters] Hamas says it rejects new Israeli conditions in Gaza ceasefire talks

[Yahoo/Bloomberg] Powell’s Pivot Leaves Traders Debating Size, Path of Rate Cuts

[Reuters] BOJ shows how action matters more than hawkish signs 

Saturday, August 24, 2024

Sunday's News Links

[AP] Israel and Hezbollah trade heavy fire before pulling back, jolting a region braced for war

[Reuters] Major Israel-Hezbollah missile exchange as region watches for escalation

[Yahoo/Bloomberg] Fed’s Powell Nods to Upcoming Strategy Review as Officials Prepare to Cut Interest Rates

[Yahoo/Bloomberg] Yuan Carry Trade Can Prosper Even After Yen Version Collapsed

[Reuters] China says it took 'control measures' against Philippine vessel in South China Sea

[NYT] Soaring Insurance Costs Could ‘End’ Affordable Housing, Developers Warn

[WSJ] Zelensky’s Invasion of Russia Sends a Message to Moscow—and Washington

[WSJ] In Beijing’s Quest for Control of the South China Sea, a New Flashpoint Emerges

[FT] How all-out war between Israel and its adversaries might play out

[FT] Central banks should raise the bar for intervention

[FT] Jackson Hole bankers pivot to cuts as soft landing comes into view

[FT] Top private equity firms put brakes on China dealmaking

Saturday's News Links

[Reuters] Wall St Week Ahead 'Super Bowl' Nvidia earnings stand to test searing AI trade

[AP] Takeaways from Fed Chair Powell’s speech at Jackson Hole

[Yahoo/Bloomberg] Fed’s Preferred Price Gauge to Reinforce Rate Cuts: Eco Week

[Reuters] Swiss finance minister chides US, Europe over 'time bomb' debt levels

[Reuters] Exclusive: Top U.S. general makes unannounced Middle East trip as Iran threat looms

[Yahoo/Bloomberg] ECB Gears Up for Next Interest Rate Cut With Inflation Slowing

[FT] Attack on oil tanker in Red Sea threatens ‘severe ecological disaster’

Friday, August 23, 2024

Weekly Commentary: Something of a Victory Lap

There’s always a summertime buzz heading into the Fed’s Jackson Hole Economic Symposium. What’s topical in the world of economics? What is on these central bankers’ minds? What might they be thinking of tweaking or changing?

This year’s conference corresponds with an important shift in U.S. monetary policy. The first rate cut in over four years is only a few short weeks away. Would Powell signal the Fed is ready to move forcefully to get ahead of unfolding weakness in the labor market and economy? Or might this be a more cautious, data-dependent Powell feeling much more confident about inflation, yet hesitant to endorse Wall Street forecasts for aggressive cuts?

Some were clamoring for more. “The Stakes Are High for Powell at Jackson Hole,” is the title of Mohamed El-Erian’s Monday Bloomberg Opinion piece:

“This year’s presentation by Chair Jerome Powell is eagerly awaited due to the economic fluidity and financial volatility that the US has been experiencing, and its spillovers to the rest of the world. It comes in the context of an ocean of genuine uncertainty, both domestic and global, that’s amplified by the erosion of three key anchors of stability: steady and predictable economic growth, effective forward policy guidance, and only small pockets of technical vulnerability involving over-leveraged positions and excessive risk-taking by market participants. This is why it is critical for Powell to take advantage of the golden opportunity he has this Friday to regain control of the economic and policy narrative. The Fed’s paramount goal this year should be to re-establish the effectiveness of its forward policy guidance.”

I’m on board with “over-leveraged positions and excessive risk-taking.” We can only hope Mr. El-Erian is correct (and I’m wrong) in his “only small pockets of technical vulnerability.”

As far as re-establishing the effectiveness of forward guidance and regaining policy and economic narratives, Powell’s presentation fell short. The Fed Chair was more focused on the past than the future. Markets might have fancied a more cultivated essay on enhancements to the Fed’s policy framework, reaction function and transmission mechanism, but they got what they wanted: “The time has come for policy to adjust. The direction of travel is clear, and the timing and pace of rate cuts will depend on incoming data, the evolving outlook, and the balance of risks.”

Powell: “At this podium two years ago, I discussed the possibility that addressing inflation could bring some pain in the form of higher unemployment and slower growth. Some argued that getting inflation under control would require a recession and a lengthy period of high unemployment. I expressed our unconditional commitment to fully restoring price stability and to keeping at it until the job is done.”

August 23 – Associated Press (Christopher Rugaber): “In what amounted to something of a victory lap, Powell noted… that the Fed had succeeded in conquering high inflation without causing a recession or a sharp rise in unemployment, which many economists had long predicted. He attributed that outcome to the unraveling of the pandemic's disruptions to supply chains and labor markets and a reduction in job vacancies, which allowed wage growth to cool.”

Before our central bankers dangle a “Mission Accomplished” banner outside the Marriner S. Eccles Federal Reserve Board Building, there’s more to the inflation story to contemplate. The proverbial elephant in the room: asset inflation, Bubbles, and deficits – ignore them at everyone’s peril.

Powell: “How did inflation fall without a sharp rise in unemployment above its estimated natural rate?”

Powell highlighted the forces of post-pandemic supply-side normalization that worked to curb price inflation. There were several references to “labor markets” and one to “commodity markets.” The Chair’s presentation avoided any mention of the stock market, as if it had no impact.

Since Powell’s 2022 Jackson Hole presentation, the S&P500 has returned 43.3%, the Nasdaq100 (NDX) 59%, and the Semiconductor Index (SOX) 91%. Nvidia surged almost 700%. “Mania” somehow didn’t make it into Powell’s speech.

Financial conditions have loosened dramatically since August 2022. For example, investment grade spreads to Treasuries narrowed from 140 bps to this week’s 94 bps close, with high yield spreads narrowing from 450 to 312 bps. Investment-grade Credit default swap (CDS) prices closed the week at 49 bps, down from the 86 bps on August 26, 2022. High yield CDS dropped to 320 bps from 500 bps. It’s also worth noting that a September 2022 jump saw investment-grade CDS rise to 108 bps and high yield to 610 bps. While a far cry from equities, corporate debt has generated solid returns. The iShares Investment Grade Corporate Bond ETF (LQD) returned 8.8% in two years, with the iShares High Yield Bond ETF (HYG) returning 15.9%.

It would be a different policy discussion today, had the dramatic loosening of financial conditions not fueled such stellar market gains. Booming financial markets were undoubtedly instrumental in supporting the economy and job growth.

Powell: “Disinflation while preserving labor market strength is only possible with anchored inflation expectations, which reflect the public’s confidence that the central bank will bring about 2% inflation over time.”

I would give more credit to well-anchored confidence that the central bank will ensure asset inflation (i.e., higher stock prices and portfolio returns) over time.

It was no surprise Powell ignored this year’s theme, “Reassessing the Effectiveness and Transmission of Monetary Policy.” I look forward to reading papers addressing such an important topic. While not a focus of Powell's, it would behoove the Fed to delve deeply into the critical issue of why general financial conditions remained largely immune to its monetary “tightening”.

Powell: “Four and a half years after COVID-19's arrival, the worst of the pandemic-related economic distortions are fading.”

True enough with respect to economic distortions. But what about distortions within the financial sphere? The Fed orchestrated an unprecedented $5 TN QE program. At $7.14 TN, the Fed’s balance sheet still remains almost double the size from (pre-QE) September 2019. The Federal Reserve in March 2020 bailed out the levered players, “basis trades” and “carry trades” in particular, and financial markets in general. This open-ended “whatever it takes” fundamentally altered market risk perceptions, including the perceived risk vs. reward calculus for risk-taking and levered speculation. Lingering concerns that policy “tightening” might suppress the Fed’s propensity for timely market bailouts was allayed with the $740 billion Fed/FHLB March 2023 bank crisis liquidity response.

This “tightening” cycle accompanied a headline CPI (y-o-y) spike to 9.1%. Yet 10-year Treasury yields didn’t exceed 5% - and were somewhat above 4.5% for only a few weeks. By comparison, 10-year yields jumped to 6.75% (CPI 3%) in January 2000 and reached 8% (CPI 3.8%) during the 1994 tightening cycle.

The Fed’s massive Treasury and MBS purchases monetized much of the federal government’s prolific pandemic borrowing and spending. Moreover, open-ended QE and bailouts incentivized leveraged speculation – the highly levered Treasury “basis trade” in particular. Speculative demand was integral to financing enormous deficits at depressed yields.

We can’t overstate the significance of Fed-induced market distortions. The Fed accommodated leveraged speculation, emboldening only greater risk-taking and leverage. Our central bank and the leveraged speculating community accommodated unprecedented federal borrowing, emboldening Washington’s profligate spenders. All the “soft landing” talk disregards critical festering issues.

Powell: “The limits of our knowledge—so clearly evident during the pandemic—demand humility and a questioning spirit focused on learning lessons from the past and applying them flexibly to our current challenges.”

Caution is in order. Asset inflation and speculative Bubbles were fundamental to the painless nature of the Fed’s “tightening” cycle. In the process, the monetary policy transmission mechanism has been precariously compromised. Truth be told, the Fed relinquished command over monetary management to highly speculative markets. These days, “risk on” and associated leveraged speculation equate to looser financial conditions, while highly destabilizing de-risking/deleveraging lurks in the shadows.

Meanwhile, the CBO forecasts a $2.0 TN 2024 federal deficit, or about 7% of GDP. Ten-year Treasury yields are down 90 bps in four months to 3.80%, a yield that will certainly not discipline an undisciplined Washington.

Mohamed El-Erian and other Wall Street economists were hoping Powell would address the so-called “neutral rate” or R-star (the long-run equilibrium interest rate). They would like the Powell Fed to deemphasize “data dependent,” while providing a semblance of clarity for the expected policy rate destination. Too late for any of this.

At intraday August 5th panic lows, the rates market was pricing 148 bps of rate cuts by the completion of the Fed’s December 18th meeting. The market ended this week at 103 bps.

The week’s data offered little to indicate economic weakness. The preliminary August Services PMI was reported at a stronger-than-expected 55.2 (near 15-month high). At a 739,000 annualized rate, New Home Sales blew away estimates to about the highest level since February 2022. The homebuilders (XHB EFT) surged 8.2% this week, boosting y-t-d gains to almost 25%.

There are still the August non-farm payrolls and CPI reports to hit before the September 18th FOMC meeting. Other data seem to matter little. The Fed has pre-committed to cut, though the totality of economic data doesn’t argue for 50 bps. Market expectations for 100 bps of rate reduction by year-end appear excessive, but there’s complexity here. Especially after August 5th, markets will factor in the probabilities of a destabilizing deleveraging episode that would trigger aggressive Fed rate cuts. From this perspective, 100 bps by year-end is reasonable.

Outside of the small caps and the heavily shorted stock universe, the yen showed about the most sensitivity to Powell’s dovishness. The yen gained 1.33% for the session to close the week 2.26% higher at 144.37 to the dollar. “Risk on” has hardly missed a beat since the August 5th reversal. Yet the yen ended the week near the August 5th close (144.18) and not far off the intraday yen “carry trade” unwind panic level (141.70). Ten-year Treasury yields closed the week at 3.80%, one basis point higher than the August 5th close (3.68% intraday low).

“Risk on” holds court for now, but I doubt we’ve heard the last of yen “carry trade” instability. The Dollar Index closed the week at a one-year low. Between June 2021 and October 2022, the Dollar Index surged almost 26%. It appears the days of the strong dollar working to restrain inflationary pressures are now in the rear-view mirror.

Bloomberg Intelligence’s Brian Meehan was out Friday with timely research:

“Can Historic $1.1 Trillion Net Short Basis Trade Hold or Crack? Leveraged net shorts of Treasury futures have surged to a historic $1.1 trillion in notional value, accelerating 38% in the past four months. While the record short position alone doesn’t suggest the basis trade will blow up, it’s more than double when massive leveraged funding trades cracked in 2019 and 2020 -- and could require the Fed to bail out traders again if the repo market gets overly stressed… The net short position in US Treasury futures held by leveraged accounts per the CFTC Commitment of Traders has increased by $300 billion in notional the past four months… The size of the position alone doesn’t mean a blowup is pending, as funding markets have been quiet ahead of expected Fed easing. But given that the trade has blown out several times in the past 20 years, it's likely more a question of when, not if.”

Three hundred billion, or 38%, inflation in four months. “Terminal phase excess”, and further evidence that the Fed erred in signaling an easing cycle with markets in the throes of a speculative Bubble. And that a faltering Bubble will indeed require “the Fed to bail out traders again” reinforces lower market yields, looser conditions, speculative leverage, and only greater underlying fragility. With yen “carry trade” instability, a volatile U.S. election, a Middle East at the precipice, and dangerous Ukraine/Russia war escalation, it’s an especially precarious time to stoke speculation. One Hell of a Bubble.

For the Week:

The S&P500 gained 1.4% (up 18.1% y-t-d), and the Dow rose 1.3% (up 9.2%). The Utilities added 1.0% (up 19.7%). The Banks jumped 2.7% (up 18.4%), and the Broker/Dealers gained 2.0% (up 21.5%). The Transports advanced 1.9% (up 0.5%). The S&P 400 Midcaps jumped 2.8% (up 11.3%), and the small cap Russell 2000 surged 3.6% (up 9.5%). The Nasdaq100 increased 1.1% (up 17.2%). The Semiconductors added 1.1% (up 25.2%). The Biotechs rose 1.7% (down 8.2%). With bullion up another $5, the HUI gold index gained 2.3% (up 31.3%).

Three-month Treasury bill rates ended the week at 4.9975%. Two-year government yields dropped 13 bps this week to 3.92% (down 33bps y-t-d). Five-year T-note yields fell 11 bps to 3.65% (down 20bps). Ten-year Treasury yields declined eight bps to 3.80% (8bps). Long bond yields slipped five bps to 4.09% (up 19bps). Benchmark Fannie Mae MBS yields sank 17 bps to 5.05% (down 103bps).

Italian yields declined seven bps to 3.57% (down 13bps y-t-d). Greek 10-year yields declined six bps to 3.26% (up 21bps). Spain's 10-year yields fell seven bps to 3.02% (up 3bps). German bund yields slipped two bps to 2.23% (up 20bps). French yields declined five bps to 2.93% (up 37bps). The French to German 10-year bond spread narrowed three to 70 bps. U.K. 10-year gilt yields slipped a basis point to 3.91% (up 38bps). U.K.'s FTSE equities index increased 0.2% (up 7.7% y-t-d).

Japan's Nikkei Equities Index gained 0.8% (up 14.6% y-t-d). Japanese 10-year "JGB" yields gained two bps to 0.90% (up 29bps y-t-d). France's CAC40 rose 1.7% (up 0.4%). The German DAX equities index gained 1.7% (up 11.2%). Spain's IBEX 35 equities index jumped 3.0% (up 11.6%). Italy's FTSE MIB index advanced 1.7% (up 10.9%). EM equities were mixed. Brazil's Bovespa index increased 1.2% (up 1.1%), while Mexico's Bolsa index declined 1.2% (down 6.7%). South Korea's Kospi index added 0.2% (up 1.7%). India's Sensex equities index increased 0.8% (up 12.2%). China's Shanghai Exchange Index declined 0.9% (down 4.1%). Turkey's Borsa Istanbul National 100 index fell 1.6% (up 29.4%).

Federal Reserve Credit declined $34.1 billion last week to $7.101 TN. Fed Credit was down $1.789 TN from the June 22, 2022, peak. Over the past 258 weeks, Fed Credit expanded $3.374 TN, or 91%. Fed Credit inflated $4.290 TN, or 153%, over the past 615 weeks. Elsewhere, Fed holdings for foreign owners of Treasury, Agency Debt increased $2.5 billion last week to $3.298 TN - just off the low back to March 2023. "Custody holdings" were down $142 billion y-o-y, or 4.1%.

Total money market fund assets rose $24.9 billion to a record $6.242 TN. Money funds were up $355 billion y-t-d and $672 billion, or 12.1%, y-o-y.

Total Commercial Paper declined $6.5 billion to $1.236 TN. CP was up $73 billion, or 6.3%, over the past year.

Freddie Mac 30-year fixed mortgage rates declined three bps to a 15-month low to 6.46% (down 84bps y-o-y). Fifteen-year rates fell four bps to 5.62% (down 111bps). Bankrate's survey of jumbo mortgage borrowing costs had 30-year fixed rates down 13 bps to 6.93% (down 65bps).

Currency Watch:

For the week, the U.S. Dollar Index dropped 1.7% to 100.718 (down 0.6% y-t-d). For the week on the upside, the New Zealand dollar increased 3.0%, the Swedish krona 2.6%, the Japanese yen 2.3%, the Swiss franc 2.2%, the British pound 2.1%, the Norwegian krone 2.1%, the Australian dollar 1.9%, the South Korean won 1.6%, the euro 1.5%, the Canadian dollar 1.3%, the Singapore dollar 1.1%, and the South African rand 1.0%. On the downside, the Mexican peso declined 2.5%, and the Brazilian real slipped 0.3%. The Chinese (onshore) renminbi increased 0.54% versus the dollar (down 0.29% y-t-d).

Commodities Watch:

August 19 – Bloomberg (Jack Wittels): “For the first time ever, a bar of gold is worth a cool one million dollars. The milestone was reached Friday, when the precious metal’s spot price surpassed $2,500 per troy ounce, an all-time high. With gold bars typically weighing about 400 ounces, that would make each one worth more than $1 million. There are some nuances to the figure. While gold bars in the London market — the global center for trading the precious metal — normally weigh about 400 troy ounces, they can contain 350 to 430 ounces of pure gold, according to the London Bullion Market Association.”

The Bloomberg Commodities Index increased 0.8% (down 2.2% y-t-d). Spot Gold added 0.2% to $2,513 (up 21.8%). Silver surged 2.9% to $29.8158 (up 25.3%). WTI crude retreated $1.82, or 2.4%, to $77.83 (up 4%). Gasoline dipped 1.1% (up 9%), and Natural Gas dropped 4.8% to $2.022 (down 20%). Copper rallied 1.5% (up 9%). Wheat dropped 5.2% (down 20%), and Corn slipped 0.7% (down 22%). Bitcoin rallied $4,900, or 8.3%, to $64,200 (up 51%).

Middle East War Watch:

August 21 – The Hill (Brad Dress): “Secretary of State Antony Blinken is departing the Middle East… after trying to shore up support for a Gaza cease-fire and hostage release deal that now appears to be out of reach. Blinken traveled to Israel, Egypt and Qatar this week to push a deal over the finish line and pressure Hamas to accept the latest negotiations. Israel agreed Monday to the latest proposal that was offered by Egyptian, Qatari and U.S. mediators after the latest round of talks last week. But Hamas has put out public statements saying it would not agree with the latest proposal, raising concerns about one of the major sticking points in the talks, an Israeli withdrawal from Gaza. Hamas wants Israel to fully withdraw from the territory, but Israel is pushing to maintain a presence there, including in the Philadelphi Corridor that borders Egypt.”

August 21 – Reuters (Suleiman Al-Khalidi, Maya Gebeily, James Mackenzie and Maytaal Angel): “The Israeli military said… it had bombed Hezbollah weapons storage facilities in Lebanon's Bekaa Valley overnight, and Hezbollah said it had carried out a drone attack on military posts in a kibbutz in northern Israel in retaliation. The Bekaa Valley is a Hezbollah stronghold and the latest hostilities across the Israel-Lebanon border will fuel concern that the Israel-Hamas war in Gaza could spill out into an all-out Middle East conflict… Israeli Defence Minister Yoav Gallant said: ‘Attacking munitions warehouses in Lebanon is preparation for anything that might happen’.”

August 22 – Financial Times (James Shotter and Raya Jalabi): “Israel’s air force bombed 10 areas of Lebanon overnight in response to a rocket barrage from the Lebanese militant group Hizbollah, as hopes for a US-brokered ceasefire between Israel and Hamas in Gaza continued to fade. The US and Arab nations view a deal to end the fighting in Gaza and free the roughly 100 Israeli hostages still being held there by Hamas as the best way to prevent an all-out regional war erupting in the Middle East. However, despite an intense diplomatic push by US officials, significant gaps remain between Israel and Hamas, and in recent days, as the hopes of a deal have waned, the exchanges of fire between Israel and Iran-backed Hizbollah have intensified.”

August 20 – Reuters (Elwely Elwelly): “There could be a long wait for Iranian retaliation against Israel, Iran's Revolutionary Guards spokesperson Alimohammad Naini said… The Middle East has been bracing for Iran's avowed retaliation over the killing of Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh in Tehran on July 31. Israel has neither confirmed nor denied that it was behind the killing. ‘Time is in our favour and the waiting period for this response could be long,’ Naini said, referring to potential retaliation against Israel. He said ‘the enemy’ should wait for a calculated and accurate response.”

August 21 – Reuters (Robert Wright): “A Greek-owned oil tanker was ablaze and drifting in the Red Sea after what appeared to be the most successful attack on shipping by Yemen’s Iran-backed Houthis in more than two months. The Sounion, carrying crude oil from the southern Iraqi port of Basra to an undisclosed destination, was hit about 77 nautical miles west of the Yemeni port of Hodeidah… The ‘Suezmax’ vessel, able to carry about 1mn barrels of oil, is the largest type able to use the Suez Canal when laden with cargo.”

Ukraine War Watch:

August 21 – Reuters (Guy Faulconbridge and Lidia Kelly): “Ukraine attacked Moscow on Wednesday with at least 11 drones that were shot down by air defences in what Russian officials called one of the biggest drone strikes on the capital since the war in Ukraine began in February 2022… Russia's defence ministry said its air defences destroyed a total of 45 drones over Russian territory, including 11 over the Moscow region, 23 over the border region of Bryansk, six over the Belgorod region, three over the Kaluga region and two over the Kursk region.”

August 17 – Financial Times (Anastasia Stognei): “Nearly two weeks after Ukrainian troops smashed through thin border defences and stormed into Russia’s Kursk region, Moscow has still not assembled the kind of overwhelming force needed to repel Kyiv’s incursion. It has instead cobbled together units from around the country and from less active parts of the Ukrainian front, while deploying young conscripts performing their obligatory military service. ‘People are horrified. We are overwhelmed with requests and can barely keep up,’ said Ivan Chuvilayev, a representative of Go by the Forest, a Russian NGO helping citizens to avoid conscription.”

August 21 – Wall Street Journal (Matthew Luxmoore, James Marson and Ievgeniia Sivorka): “Ukrainian troops said they are moving to encircle an estimated 3,000 Russian troops that are hemmed against a river in Russia’s Kursk province, seeking a fresh blow against Moscow in the third week of a surprise incursion. Ukraine’s military said it used U.S.-supplied Himars rocket systems and explosive drones to strike pontoon crossings and bridging equipment as Russia scrambled to prevent the encirclement of its forces between the Seym river and the Ukrainian border… Kyiv’s forces are now expanding their control along the border and striking Russian supply routes…”

August 22 – Wall Street Journal (Isabel Coles): “Ukraine used aerial drones to attack an air base in Russia’s Volgograd region early Thursday in an escalating campaign of long-range strikes seeking to damage Moscow’s war machine. Ukraine’s main security and intelligence agency, known as the SBU, said the strike had targeted warehouses containing fuel and glide bombs to degrade Russia’s air power. Russia has made massive glide bombs dropped from warplanes a key weapon in their latest offensives to smash holes in Ukrainian defenses.”

August 20 – Reuters (Lidia Kelly, Olena Harmash and Yuliia Dysa): “Russia hit energy infrastructure in northern Ukraine in an overnight missile and drone attack and caused a huge fire in the west of the country, resulting in an increase in chlorine levels in the air… Ukrainian forces shot down three ballistic missiles and 25 of the 26 drones launched in the attack on nine regions across the country, Ukraine's air force commander said.”

August 20 – Reuters (Dan Peleschuk): “For Kyiv-area resident Olha Pavlovska, who huddles with her neighbours every week to discuss the often grim news from the front, Ukraine's shock incursion into Russia's Kursk region this month offered a rare moment of hope. ‘This was a very brave and important step… for keeping up morale in society,’ said Pavlovska, 51, speaking outside St Michael's Cathedral in the centre of Kyiv.”

August 20 – Bloomberg (Tony Capaccio): “Ukraine and Russia both lack the military assets to mount major offensives against each other, the Pentagon’s intelligence agency said in new assessments that suggests the two sides are headed toward stalemate. The Defense Intelligence Agency assessments conclude that Ukraine still doesn’t have the munitions to match Russia’s ability to fire some 10,000 artillery rounds a day, even after the US Congress unlocked fresh military aid in April.”

Taiwan Watch:

August 22 – Financial Times (Demetri Sevastopulo): “Taiwan’s top foreign policy officials have made a secret trip to the greater Washington area for talks with the US, the first such visit since President Lai Ching-te took office in May. Foreign minister Lin Chia-lung and Joseph Wu, Taiwan’s national security adviser, have been in the Washington area this week for the talks that are known as the ‘special channel’… The US and Taiwan have held the ‘special channel’ talks for years, but their existence was first disclosed by the Financial Times in 2021… The channel is seen as a rare opportunity for a larger group of senior officials from both sides to hold detailed talks.”

August 22 – CNBC (Lee Ying Shan): “Taiwan’s President Lai Ching-te has cautioned that China’s ‘growing authoritarianism’ will not stop with the island, and that it poses a challenge at the ‘global level.’ Lai was speaking at the annual Ketagalan Forum… It was attended by representatives from several countries including the U.S., India, Japan, Australia and Canada. ‘We are all fully aware that China’s growing authoritarianism will not stop with Taiwan, nor is Taiwan the only target of China’s economic pressures,’ Lai said, adding that this authoritarianism is becoming ‘more aggressive.’ ‘It’s now a challenge at the global level,’ Lai emphasized, calling for countries to cooperate and curtail China’s efforts.”

August 22 – Bloomberg (Yian Lee and Cindy Wang): “Taiwan will spend a record amount on defense next year, boosting its expenditure for eight straight years as it tries to deter an increasingly assertive China. The cabinet will increase military spending to NT$647 billion ($20.2bn) next year, an increase of 7.7% from the previous year… That accounts for 2.45% of Taiwan’s estimated GDP in 2025, in line with recent years. Taiwan is beefing up defense spending as it faces growing threats from China…”

Market Instability Watch:

August 22 – Bloomberg (Douglas Lytle): “Rumors of the carry trade’s impending demise may be greatly exaggerated, Bloomberg Intelligence European Rates Strategist Huw Worthington says. That would leave a lot more pain to come unless yields and spreads in Europe and the US rise above their Japanese counterparts. The latest data on Japanese investor holdings of developed markets government bonds in June showed declines not seen since the midst of Covid, but that’s just a drop in the ocean.”

August 20 – Bloomberg (Edward Bolingbroke): “Bond traders are taking on a record amount of risk as they bet big on a Treasury market rally fueled by expectations the Federal Reserve will embark on its first interest-rate cut in more than four years. The number of leveraged positions in Treasury futures has risen to an all-time high ahead of the central bank’s annual economic symposium in Jackson Hole, Wyoming… Open interest in futures, or the amount of risks taken by traders who can be long or short positions, peaked at a record of almost 23 million 10-year note futures equivalent, last week... That’s roughly $1.5 billion of risk per one basis point move in the underlying cash notes.”

August 21 – Bloomberg (Zijia Song, Maria Elena Vizcaino and Vinícius Andrade): “Traders trying to buy the dip on Mexico’s peso can’t catch a break. Local politics, the dismantling in so-called carry trades and concerns about the US economic and political outlook are disrupting bullish calls on what was until May the best performing emerging-market currency this year. The peso is down almost 4% against the dollar this week and over 14% in the past three months, by far the worst among peers. Its six-month implied volatility has jumped to near the highest in three years… It’s a stark reversal for the currency which until a few months ago was by far the best performer in emerging markets — one whose strength seemed so unshakable investors feared betting against.”

August 20 – Bloomberg: “The Chinese currency risks surging if a scenario similar to the unwinding of the yen carry trade plays out, a prominent economist has warned… As the world’s second-biggest economy ran massive trade surpluses in recent years and local interest rates fell below those in the US, Chinese exporters began to hoard dollars in anticipation that the yuan would weaken. Some investors also borrowed in yuan to invest in higher-yielding assets abroad… But a shift in sentiment in favor of the yuan could prompt exporters and speculators to unload dollars and send the Chinese currency surging, said Guan Tao, global chief economist at Bank of China International Ltd.”

August 20 – Financial Times (Harriet Clarfelt): “Almost $90bn poured into US money market funds in the first half of August as investors sought to lock in attractive yields that could outlast an expected interest rate cut by the Federal Reserve next month. Money market funds… pulled in net inflows of $88.2bn between August 1 and August 15, according to flow tracker EPFR — the highest figures for the first half of a month since November last year. Most of the inflows originated with institutional investors… rather than retail investors…”

August 22 – Bloomberg (Amy Or): “The US stock market’s August whipsaw has convertible bond issuers hiding, and that’s likely to continue into September with the movement of interest rates still up in the air. Only $2 billion worth of new notes have been issued so far this month in the US, a far cry from the $7.6 billion raised during the same period last year…”

August 19 – Bloomberg (Lu Wang): “A leveraged strategy for diversifying investments that crashed spectacularly in the financial crisis is back. This time, the designers say they’ve ironed out the problems. The offering, known as portable alpha since the 1980s but recently rechristened ‘return stacking,’ has caught on in exchange-traded funds sold by Newfound Research and ReSolve Asset Management.”

Global Credit Bubble Watch:

August 18 – Financial Times (Stephen Gandel): “Russell, Kentucky, has survived three floods, a smallpox outbreak, a downtown blaze and a 200-mile oil spill. Its largest employer left in 1999. Now the town is facing another potential calamity: First & Peoples Bank, its sole local lender with roots to 1907, has received notices from three regulators this year warning about its precarious finances. The bank’s troubles do not stem from the region’s declining fortunes. Rather, they are emerging from exposure to the latest evolution of modern finance. First & Peoples is the most troubled of a growing number of small banks across the US facing problems due to ties to so-called shadow banks… Four years ago the bank signed a partnership with a fintech, US Credit, that promised to turn First & Peoples into a financial disrupter. Instead, the relationship has led to tens of millions of dollars in soured loans, and questions about the bank’s ability to survive.”
AI Bubble Watch:

August 17 – Financial Times (Tabby Kinder): “More than half of the US’s biggest companies see artificial intelligence as a potential risk to their businesses, according to a survey of corporate filings that highlights how the emerging technology could bring about sweeping industrial transformation. Overall, 56% of Fortune 500 companies cited AI as a ‘risk factor’ in their most recent annual reports, according to research by Arize AI… The figure is a striking jump from just 9% in 2022. By contrast, only 33 companies of the 108 that specifically discussed generative AI — technology capable of creating humanlike text and realistic imagery — saw it as an opportunity.”

August 17 – Financial Times (Camilla Hodgson): “Water consumption by dozens of facilities in Virginia’s ‘data centre alley’ has jumped by almost two-thirds since 2019, as environmental campaigners warn that demand for computing infrastructure is set to ‘explode’ due to artificial intelligence. The US state of Virginia is home to the world’s largest concentration of data centres, including facilities used by Big Tech groups Amazon, Google and Microsoft. The vast warehouses full of computers and networking gear used at least 1.85bn US gallons of water in 2023… That compares with the 1.13bn gallons used in 2019…”

Bubble and Mania Watch:

August 17 – Wall Street Journal (Stephen Wilmot): “China was a gold mine for global automakers a decade ago. Not anymore. ‘Very few people are making money’ in China, General Motors Chief Executive Mary Barra told investors in July. A jarring new data point came earlier this month when Germany’s Volkswagen reported its first quarterly loss in at least 15 years from joint ventures and associates… For the largest global automakers, profits in China have been hit by falling sales as consumers embrace electric vehicles from homegrown brands such as BYD, which last year supplanted Volkswagen as China’s bestselling carmaker.”

August 21 – Bloomberg (Keith Naughton): “Ford Motor Co. is recalibrating its electrification strategy yet again, canceling plans for a fully electric sport utility vehicle in a shift that may cost the carmaker around $1.9 billion. In addition to scrapping an all-electric three-row SUV that already had been delayed, Ford will further postpone a next-generation electric pickup and reduce spending on EVs to 30% of its annual capital expenditures, from about 40% previously… The actions amount to further pullback by Chief Executive Officer Jim Farley, who initially accelerated Ford’s shift to EVs when he took over the top job almost four years ago.”

August 18 – Financial Times (George Hammond): “Start-up failures in the US have jumped 60% over the past year, as founders run out of cash raised during the technology boom of 2021-22, threatening millions of jobs in venture-backed companies and risking a spillover to the wider economy. According to data from Carta…, start-up shutdowns are rising sharply, even as billions of dollars of venture capital gushes into artificial intelligence outfits. Carta said 254 of its venture-backed clients had gone bust in the first quarter of this year. The rate of bankruptcies today is more than seven times higher than when Carta began tracking failures in 2019.”

U.S./Russia/China/Europe Watch:

August 16 – Reuters (Guy Faulconbridge and Olzhas Auyezov): “Russia's foreign ministry said Ukraine had used Western rockets, likely U.S.-made HIMARS, to destroy a bridge over the Seym river in the Kursk region, killing volunteers trying to evacuate civilians. ‘For the first time, the Kursk region was hit by Western-made rocket launchers, probably American HIMARS,’ Maria Zakharova, spokeswoman for the Russian foreign ministry, said…”

August 21 – Reuters (Tom Balmforth, Yuliia Dysa and Milan Pavicic): “Ukrainian forces are using U.S.-manufactured HIMARS rocket systems to destroy pontoon bridges and engineering equipment in Russia's Kursk region, Ukraine's military said on Wednesday, targeting logistics in its major cross-border incursion. Russian officials have said Ukraine has damaged or destroyed at least three bridges over the Seym River since Kyiv launched a major assault into western Russia on Aug. 6 advancing up to 28-35 kilometres (39.15 miles).

August 22 – Telegraph (Nicola Smith): “Russian President Vladimir Putin and China’s premier Li Qiang have celebrated their deepening political and economic ties in the face of growing friction with the West over the grinding war in Ukraine. Trade relations were ‘developing successfully’ and ‘yielding results,’ Mr Putin told Mr Li, who visited the Kremlin on Wednesday… `Mr Li, in turn, praised the efforts by the Russian leader and Xi Jinping… to ‘inject strong momentum’ into bilateral relations which he said had reached an ‘unprecedentedly high level’”

August 20 – Reuters: “Russian President Vladimir Putin met Chinese premier Li Qiang in Moscow on Wednesday, the Kremlin said… ‘Our countries have large-scale joint plans, projects in the economic and humanitarian areas, we expect them to last for many years,’ the RIA state news agency quoted Putin as saying. Li said earlier… that Beijing was ready to work with Russia to strengthen all-round practical cooperation.”

August 21 – Xinhua: “Chinese Premier Li Qiang said… that China is ready to work with Russia to further strengthen multilateral coordination to firmly promote world multipolarity and economic globalization. Li made the remarks when meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin after he co-chaired the 29th regular meeting between Chinese and Russian heads of government with Russian Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin.”

De-globalization and Iron Curtain Watch:

August 20 – Reuters (Josephine Mason): “The European Commission confirmed… it would apply additional duties of up to 36.3% on imported electric vehicles made in China as it issued draft definitive findings of its anti-subsidy investigation…”

August 21 – Wall Street Journal (Clarence Leong and Kim Mackrael): “China said it has opened an antisubsidy probe into dairy products imported from the European Union, the latest in a tit-for-tat round of actions between the two increasingly hostile trading powers. Beijing acted a day after the EU affirmed its plan to impose high tariffs on China-made electric vehicles based on the results of an investigation into Chinese subsidies for the sector. Earlier this year, China had opened antidumping probes into brandy and pork products from the EU. The European Commission, the EU’s executive body, said it would ‘firmly defend the interest of the EU dairy industry’ and intervene if needed to ensure the Chinese probe complies with World Trade Organization rules.”

August 20 – Bloomberg: “For centuries, control of the world’s biggest shipping centers helped expand empires, spark and settle wars, ease poverty and build middle classes while giving international companies access to cheap workers and cash-flush consumers in distant markets. Along the way, maritime ports evolved from trading posts and naval bases into economies within economies that supercharged globalization, becoming vital junctions for energy flows, hubs for infrastructure like rail lines and power stations, and clusters for industrial production, warehousing and distribution. Now, both old and new gateways for seaborne commerce⁠— responsible for handling 80% of the world’s $25 trillion in annual merchandise trade⁠—are economic fortresses in the great-power struggles of a multipolar world.”

August 18 – Financial Times (Michael Peel and Eleanor Olcott): “Rising tensions between the US and China threaten to sever a 45-year-old science and technology pact due for renewal later this month, hindering the superpowers’ collaboration in critical areas. Researchers are attempting to work round the strained inter-governmental relationship, with some focusing on less contentious possible areas of co-operation, such as climate change and diseases related to ageing. The struggle to strike a comprehensive multiyear extension to the science and technology accord is a sign of how political problems can undermine frontier research work.”

Inflation Watch:

August 21 – Wall Street Journal (Tadeo Ruiz Sandoval): “Gen Z is accumulating debt faster than any other generation. From credit cards to student loans, the youngest cohort of borrowers have their hands full. How did they get here? Credit Karma… released a report that found Gen Z is getting hit particularly hard. Over the past decade, consumer prices in the U.S. have risen by about 32%. Born between 1997 and 2012, Gen Zers are entering a more expensive world, where not everything is affordable. And when their paycheck alone isn’t enough, they are turning to credit to pay for food, housing and, in some cases, nonessential expenses.”

Federal Reserve Watch:

August 22 – New York Times (Jeanna Smialek): “Two years ago, Jerome H. Powell took the podium at the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City’s annual conference at Jackson Hole in Wyoming and warned America that lowering inflation would require some pain. On Friday, Mr. Powell, the Federal Reserve chair, will again deliver his most important policy speech of the year from that closely watched stage. But this time, he is much more likely to focus on how the Fed is trying to pull off what many onlookers once thought was unlikely, and maybe even impossible: a relatively painless soft landing.”

August 22 – Bloomberg (Catarina Saraiva): “Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City President Jeffrey Schmid said he wants to see more economic data before supporting any decision to begin reducing interest rates… ‘It makes sense for me to really look at some of the data that comes in the next few weeks,’ the Kansas City Fed chief, who doesn’t vote on rate decisions this year, said… ‘Before we act — at least before I act, or recommend acting — I think we need to see a little bit more.’”

August 18 – Financial Times (Colby Smith): “The US Federal Reserve needs to take a gradual approach to lowering borrowing costs, one of its top officials has said… Mary Daly, president of the San Francisco Fed, told the Financial Times that recent economic data have given her ‘more confidence’ that inflation is under control. It is time to consider adjusting borrowing costs from their current range of 5.25 per cent to 5.5%, she said. Her call for a ‘prudent’ approach pushed back on economists’ concerns that the world’s largest economy is heading for a sharp slowdown that warrants rapid cuts in interest rates.”

August 21 – Bloomberg (Craig Torres): “Several Federal Reserve officials acknowledged there was a plausible case for cutting interest rates at their July 30-31 meeting before the central bank’s policy committee voted unanimously to keep them steady. ‘Several observed that the recent progress on inflation and increases in the unemployment rate had provided a plausible case for reducing the target range 25 bps at this meeting or that they could have supported such a decision,’ minutes from the meeting… said. ‘The vast majority observed that, if the data continued to come in about as expected, it would likely be appropriate to ease policy at the next meeting.’”

U.S. Economic Bubble Watch:

August 22 – Reuters (Lindsay Dunsmuir): “U.S. business activity fell to a 4-month low in August and firms continued to struggle to pass on higher prices to consumers… S&P Global said… its flash U.S. Composite PMI Output Index, which tracks the manufacturing and services sectors, edged down to 54.1 this month, a still healthy level among the highest measured over the past two years… The survey's flash manufacturing PMI retreated to an 8-month low, falling to 48.0 this month from 49.6 in July… Its flash services PMI rose to 55.2, from 55.0 in July, confounding economists' expectations for a drop to a reading of 54.0.”

August 22 – Reuters (Lindsay Dunsmuir): “The number of Americans filing new applications for unemployment benefits rose in the latest week… Initial claims for state unemployment benefits rose 4,000 to a seasonally adjusted 232,000 for the week ended Aug. 17… The latest data should continue to allay fears that the labor market is rapidly deteriorating… The number of people receiving benefits after an initial week of aid, a proxy for hiring, rose 4,000 to a seasonally adjusted 1.863 million…”

August 22 – Reuters (Makailah Gause): “The average rate on the popular U.S. 30-year fixed-rate mortgage ticked down this week to the lowest level since May 2023… The 30-year fixed-rate mortgage averaged 6.46% during the week ending Aug. 22, down from 6.49% in the prior week… It averaged 7.23% during the same period a year ago.”

August 22 – Reuters (Lindsay Dunsmuir): “U.S. existing home sales rose more than expected in July, reversing four consecutive monthly declines… Home sales rose 1.3% last month to a seasonally adjusted annual rate of 3.95 million units… The median existing home price jumped 4.2% from a year earlier to $422,600. Home prices increased in all four U.S. regions… Housing inventory increased 0.8% to 1.33 million units last month. Supply jumped 19.8% from one year ago. A surge in insurance premiums across the country as weather-related claims rise is forcing some homeowners to put their properties on the market… At July's sales pace, it would take 4.0 months to exhaust the current inventory of existing homes. That was up from 3.3 months a year ago. A four-to-seven-month supply is viewed as a healthy balance... Properties typically stayed on the market for 24 days in July compared to 20 days a year ago. First-time buyers accounted for 29% of sales versus 30% a year ago… All-cash sales made up 27% of transactions, up from 26% a year ago.”

August 21 – CNBC (Diana Olick): “Applications to refinance a home loan dropped 15% from the previous week… Volume was, however, 90% higher than the same week one year ago… Applications for a mortgage to purchase a home fell 5% for the week and were 8% lower than the same week one year ago. Demand is now at the lowest level since February. Homebuyers are not as influenced by the recent drop in rates because they are still struggling to afford what little is available for sale.”

August 21 – Reuters (Lindsay Dunsmuir): “U.S. employers added far fewer jobs than originally reported in the year through March… The department's estimate for total payroll employment for the period from April 2023 to March 2024 was lowered by 818,000. The revision represented a total downward change of about 0.5% and means that monthly job gains during the period averaged roughly 174,000, compared to the previously reported figure of 242,000. The sharply lower number is the first of two ‘benchmark’ annual revisions undertaken by the department as it collects more accurate data only available in the months after it publishes the monthly payrolls report.”

August 21 – Financial Times (Gregory Meyer): “Shares of US retail chain Target soared after it reversed a sales slump and issued a brighter profit outlook, in results that suggested American consumers were still shopping despite cost pressures on their finances. Target… reported that its comparable sales rose 2% in its second quarter, the company’s first increase in more than a year. Traffic rose 3% to Target’s nearly 2,000 stores and online… ‘Consumers have shown remarkable resilience in the face of multiple challenges over the last several years, and they remain resilient today,’ said Brian Cornell, Target’s chief executive.”

August 22 – Associated Press (Rob Gillies and Josh Funk): “Business and consumers throughout Canada and the U.S. could suffer significant economic harm after Canada’s major freight railroads came to a full stop Thursday because of a contract dispute with their workers. Canadian government officials met urgently to discuss the shutdown. Canadian National and CPKC railroads both locked out their employees after the …deadline Thursday passed without new agreements with the Teamsters Canada Rail Conference, which represents about 10,000 engineers, conductors and dispatchers.”

August 19 – Wall Street Journal (Ryan Dezember): “A glut of natural gas is depressing prices and prompting fresh cutbacks in America’s drilling fields… Big producers such as EQT and Coterra Energy are choking back output, waiting to connect new wells to pipelines and delaying drilling projects. They aim to buoy prices that have rarely been lower during the heat of the summer, when air conditioning creates a lot of power demand. Benchmark natural-gas futures ended Tuesday at $2.198 per million British thermal units, down 14% from a year ago and 30% less than the recent peak in mid-June.”

August 21 – Financial Times (Suzi Ring and James Fontanella-Khan): “Top law firms in the US are offering their junior lawyers as much as $50,000 to refer acquaintances for jobs, as a renewed war for talent in the industry shows no sign of abating. A&O Shearman introduced a $50,000 bonus for US associate referrals in May… Kirkland & Ellis recently renewed its $50,000 payment until January 2025…, extending a global policy introduced in October last year.”

China Watch:

August 20 – Reuters (Ryan Woo and Ethan Wang): “Rising unemployment in China is pushing millions of college graduates into a tough bargain, with some forced to accept low-paying work or even subsist on their parents' pensions, a plight that has created a new working class of ‘rotten-tail kids’. The phrase has become a social media buzzword this year, drawing parallels to the catchword ‘rotten-tail buildings’ for the tens of millions of unfinished homes… A record number of college graduates this year are hunting for jobs in a labour market depressed by COVID-19-induced disruptions as well as regulatory crack-downs on the country's finance, tech and education sectors. The jobless rate for the roughly 100 million Chinese youth aged 16-24 crept above 20% for the first time in April last year. When it hit an all-time high of 21.3% in June 2023…”

August 19 – CNBC (Evelyn Cheng): “China’s youth unemployment rate soared above 17% in July to the highest level since the new system of record-keeping began in December… The unemployment rate for people in China ages 16 to 24, and not in school, rose to 17.1% last month, according to the latest data update Monday. That’s up from 13.2% in June.”

August 20 – Financial Times (Joe Leahy in Beijing and Thomas Hale): “China has disbursed only a fraction of a flagship central bank fund designed to rescue property developers, as authorities struggle to cut a vast stock of unsold homes and end a prolonged real estate slump. Beijing unveiled a plan in May for the People’s Bank of China and state banks to mobilise up to Rmb500bn ($70bn) in lending to support local government enterprises to buy up unsold property. Local governments would then lease the property as social housing. But the latest figures from the PBoC show that banks have lent only Rmb24.7bn under the scheme, prompting the central bank this month to promise to ‘accelerate’ the programme. ‘The implementation has been one of the bottlenecks,’ said Lisheng Wang, China economist at Goldman Sachs, as banks, local governments and others struggle to agree on property pricing.”

August 20 – Bloomberg: “China is considering a new funding option for local governments to buy unsold homes after a series of rescue packages failed to prop up the market, according to people familiar with the matter. The latest proposal would allow local governments to fund their home purchases by issuing so-called special bonds, the proceeds of which are currently restricted to uses including infrastructure and environmental projects… Local governments have already used more than half the 3.9 trillion yuan ($546 billion) quota for special bond issuance this year; it’s unclear what portion of the remainder might be directed toward home purchases if the plan is approved.”

August 20 – Bloomberg: “A price war is spreading across China’s new-home market, as local governments dial back on intervention and developers race to recoup cash. In Beijing, a sudden 18% price cut in May at a mid-sized residential project on the city’s outskirts has forced adjacent new developments to follow suit… Near the southern border, the Shenzhen government approved a 29% cut in unit prices for a complex compared with a year ago…”

August 19 – Bloomberg (Eric Zhu): “China’s latest housing market rescue plan isn’t going so well. The rise in inventory stretched into July, showing state purchases of unsold homes from developers aren’t keeping up with the supply glut. Only 4% of the People’s Bank of China’s 300 billion yuan fund backing the scheme had been utilized as of end-June. That’s concerning, as deepening declines in housing activity in July show speedy execution is urgently needed to lift market sentiment. We estimate the market has added about 1 million unsold homes to the inventory pile since May, bringing the total to 61 million.”

August 21 – Bloomberg: “A growing chorus of Chinese economists called on Beijing to break away from an implicit budget deficit ceiling, opening the door to more central government borrowing as a way to shore up the faltering economy. Officials can consider doubling or tripling this year’s special sovereign bonds to as much as 3 trillion yuan ($420bn), said Zhang Ming, deputy director of the Institute of Finance & Banking at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, a top government think tank. This should go toward subsidizing consumers and alleviating local government debt risks, he added.”

August 19 – Financial Times (Arjun Neil Alim): “Chinese authorities have restricted a key source of data on inward investment as global funds continue to pull money out of the country’s stock market, threatening to make 2024 the first year of equity outflows. On Monday, daily data showing net investment flows from foreign funds into stocks in mainland China… was no longer available… The move comes as international investors have pulled more than $12bn out of mainland Chinese equities since the start of June… and taking year-to-date net flows into the red.”

Central Banking Watch:

August 19 – Reuters (Stella Qiu): “Australia’s central bank judged a near-term rate cut was unlikely and policy might need to stay restrictive for an ‘extended period’ to ensure inflation can be tamed… Minutes of its Aug 5-6 board meeting… showed the Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA) considered raising its 4.35% cash rate as underlying inflation remained too high at 3.9% and financial conditions appeared to have eased, with a pickup in credit growth and house prices.”

August 20 – Bloomberg (Niclas Rolander and Ott Ummelas): “Sweden’s Riksbank lowered borrowing costs for a second time since May and sketched out more easing than previously expected as inflation has fallen below its target and the largest Nordic economy is sputtering. The central bank, which cut its benchmark rate to 3.5% from 3.75% in a decision announced on Tuesday, said it could consider as many as three more reductions this year.”

August 22 – Reuters (Cynthia Kim and Jihoon Lee): “South Korea's central bank kept interest rates unchanged… but revived expectations for an imminent policy easing that some economists see happening as soon as October as growth concerns overshadow inflation worries. The Bank of Korea (BOK) held the benchmark interest rate at 3.50%... Governor Rhee Chang-yong, however, said four of the bank's seven voting members were open to a rate cut within the next three months.”

Europe Watch:

August 22 – Reuters (Jonathan Cable): “Euro zone business activity showed surprising strength in August despite firms raising prices… However there were signs the upswing may be temporary, with readings flattered by a sharp rise in French services activity due to the Olympic Games. German business activity contracted for a second consecutive month and by more than expected. HCOB's preliminary composite Purchasing Managers' Index, compiled by S&P Global, bounced to 51.2 this month from July's 50.2…”

August 20 – Bloomberg (Mark Schroers): “Robust German wage growth isn’t abating and will likely keep inflation high, according to the Bundesbank – a worrying signal for the European Central Bank as it battles to return price gains to its 2% target. Collectively agreed earnings increased by 4.2% in the spring… It highlighted that unions’ demands remain high — between 7% and 19% for a period of 12 months. ‘The high level of willingness to strike until recently and the still widespread labor shortage suggest that comparatively high wage increases will continue in the future,’ it said. This will probably keep underlying inflation ‘at an elevated level.’”

Japan Watch:

August 20 – Bloomberg (Toru Fujioka and Erica Yokoyama): “Japan’s exports rose at a faster pace in July, largely reflecting the yen’s drop to a 38-year low last month. Exports gained 10.3% from a year ago led by chip parts and cars, accelerating from 5.4% in the previous month… Imports climbed 16.6%, compared with a 14.6% gain estimated by analysts. With a larger increase in imports, the trade balance turned back to a deficit of ¥621.8 billion ($4.3bn).”

Emerging Markets Watch:

August 19 – Bloomberg (Vinícius Andrade): “It’s been almost two years now since Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva secured his return to power in Brazil. For investors, they’ve been bleak. The currency is down, government bond yields are up and the stock market has only eked out half the gains posted across the rest of emerging markets… The Lula of 2024 shares little in common, Brazil watchers say, with the Lula of 2003 who was hellbent on proving he wasn’t the profligate spender... He’s balked repeatedly at calls for spending cuts to rein in a budget deficit that has ballooned to the equivalent of about 10% of Brazil’s gross domestic product. It’s a staggering figure, far bigger than any deficit posted in his first go-round and one of the largest in the world.”

Leveraged Speculation Watch:

August 16 – Reuters (Karen Brettell): “Speculators raised their net short bets on five-year Treasuries to the largest on record in the latest week, while bearish bets on 10-year Treasury futures were the largest since January… Net short bets on five-year note futures grew to 1,695,072 contracts in the week ending Aug. 13, up from 1,688,076 the previous week. Short bets on 10-year note futures rose to 860,243 contracts from 776,208…”

August 22 – Financial Times (Robin Wigglesworth): “Hedge fund crowding has been pretty extreme over the past year, but many big players are now paring back their exposure to the Magnificent Seven tech stocks that powered the recently rally. Goldman Sachs has once again tallied the 13F filings of hundreds of US hedge funds — with gross stock market positions of $2.8tn — and one of the big takeaways is a modest but notable rotation away from a lot of hot names. They even seem to be falling out of love with Nvidia. Stanley Druckenmiller is a good example. His family office has now liquidated almost his entire position in Nvidia, and ratcheted back his position in Microsoft in the second quarter. This exemplified a broader tend.”

Social, Political, Environmental, Cybersecurity Instability Watch:

August 20 – NBC (Rob Wile): “A new labor market survey shows Americans have rarely felt more in need of new job opportunities — an indication of a more negative outlook about the economy despite other data that suggests a more stable picture. The New York Federal Reserve's latest poll of consumers found 28.4% of respondents were looking for a job — the highest reading since March 2014 and up from 19.4% a year ago. That includes both individuals already out of a job and ones currently employed but seeking new roles.”

August 20 – Bloomberg (Naureen S. Malik): “Texans set an unofficial record in electricity use Tuesday as soaring temperatures spurred homeowners, schools and businesses to crank up air conditioners. Power demand on the state grid rose to 85,559 megawatts at 6 p.m. local time, topping the August 2023 record of 85,508 megawatts, according to the Electric Reliability Council of Texas.”

Geopolitical Watch:

August 19 – Reuters (Liz Lee, Karen Lema and Eduardo Baptista): “The Philippines and China accused each other on Monday of ramming vessels and performing dangerous manoeuvres in the South China Sea, the latest flare-up after the two nations agreed last month to try to manage disagreements at sea. China's Coast Guard said… a Philippine vessel which had ignored its repeated warnings had ‘deliberately collided’ with a Chinese vessel in an ‘unprofessional and dangerous’ manner in the disputed waterway...”