
Sunday, October 16, 2022

Sunday's News Links

[Yahoo/Bloomberg] Truss Faces Market Judgment as BOE Exit Leaves UK Exposed

[Reuters] UK finance minister Hunt vows to win back financial market trust

[Reuters] Biden will act 'methodically' in re-evaluating U.S.-Saudi relationship, Sullivan says

[Reuters] China's Xi talks up security, reiterates COVID stance as congress opens

[CNBC] Xi warns against foreign interference in Taiwan, says China will ‘never promise to renounce’ force

[Yahoo/Bloomberg] Xi Sticks to Economic Goals Calling Development Top Priority

[Politico] Xi Jinping’s path to power: From outcast to 'emperor'

[Reuters] China's 20th Communist Party Congress: What you need to know

[Yahoo/Bloomberg] China’s Lockdowns Take Toll on Limping Economy: Eco Week Ahead

[Reuters] Russia says its forces repelled Ukrainian advances in several regions

[Reuters] Gazprom CEO says gas price cap would lead to supply halt

[AP] March against inflation turns up political heat in France

[Bloomberg] Tug of War That Markets Fear Is Central Banks Versus Governments

[WSJ] High Inflation Darkens Global Economic Outlook

[WSJ] Higher Heating Bills Poised to Hit U.S. Households This Winter

[WSJ] Shasta Lake Helped Water California; Now Its Dryness Is a Threat to the State

[WSJ] Winter’s Approach Raises Stakes in European Energy Crisis

[FT] Liz Truss is still ‘in charge’, insists new chancellor Jeremy Hunt

[FT] Xi Jinping warns off US as he piles political and military pressure on Taiwan

[FT] Xi Jinping heralds ‘critical time’ in history as he prepares for third term in power