
Monday, March 16, 2020

Monday Evening Links

[Reuters] Wall Street sinks as Fed's shock cut increases worries over virus spread

[CNBC] Oil drops nearly 10%, breaking below $29 as demand evaporates

[Reuters] Treasuries - Yields fall after Fed action, but above last week's lows

[Reuters] Senate developing third U.S. coronavirus economic relief bill - Grassley

[The Hill] Schumer to propose at least $750 billion to combat coronavirus

[Reuters] Airline bailouts? Cash handouts? Debate deepens on inoculating economy against coronavirus

[CNBC] Canada closing borders to non-citizens because of coronavirus

[Yahoo] Coronavirus: Merkel announces sweeping shutdown in Germany

[Reuters] ECB's Lagarde ready to do what needed to protect euro zone: Italy finance minister

[Reuters] New York Fed adds $500 billion in overnight repo support to keep reserves 'ample'

[CNBC] Coronavirus live updates: Dow sinks, Trump offers August timeline, SF orders ‘stay home’

[CNBC] US airlines seek more than $50 billion in government assistance as coronavirus roils business

[Reuters] Explainer: What's in the U.S. coronavirus aid bill?

[CNBC] Romney proposes sending $1,000 checks to every American to ease coronavirus economic pain

[Reuters] Coronavirus: First test of a U.S. financial system 10 years in repair

[WSJ] What Happens to the Economy When Everything Stops?

[WSJ] Another Problem for the Fed: Banks Pressured as Clients Scramble for Cash

[FT] How the Federal Reserve has moved to support the financial system — explained

[FT] US bond market volatility hits highest level since 2009

[FT] Investors call for Fed help in ‘frozen’ commercial paper market

[FT] Investors clamour for ECB support in Italian bond slump