[Bloomberg] Latest Greek Twist Sends Euro, Stock Futures Falling; Oil Sinks
[Reuters] Euro zone argues into the night with Greece on bailout terms
[UK Guardian] Greek crisis: surrender fiscal sovereignty in return for bailout, Merkel tells Tsipras
[WSJ] Greek Debt Crisis: Germany Flexes Its Muscles in Talks With Bailout Ultimatum
[Reuters] Anti-German Backlash as Social Media Tweets Denounce Greece 'Coup'
[UK Guardian] Trouble brews on EU doorstep over German plan to shut out Greece
[Bloomberg] EU Demands Complete Capitulation From Tsipras
[AP] Tsipras Facing Pressure to Back Deal or Consider Euro Exit
[NYT] Rising Economic Insecurity Tied to Decades-Long Trend in Employment Practices
[Bloomberg] Hacked in the U.S.A.: China’s Not-So-Hidden Infiltration Op