
Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Wednesday's News Links

[Bloomberg] U.S. Retail Sales Disappoint Again

[Bloomberg] The Middle Class Has a Debt Problem

[Bloomberg] European Stocks Rebound Amid GDP Data as SABMiller, Vivendi Gain

[Bloomberg] Greece’s Creditors Said to Seek EU3 Billion in Budget Cuts

[Bloomberg] Greece Returns to Recession as Bailout Impasse Drains Economy

[Bloomberg] Chicago Faces $2.2 Billion Bank Payout After Rating Cut to Junk

[Bloomberg] Foreign Money Is Pouring Into U.S. Real Estate, and It's Not Just Houses

[Bloomberg] Market Moves That Are Supposed to Happen Every Half-Decade Keep Happening

[Bloomberg] Bond Futures Trading Surges as Investors Search for Liquidity

[Bloomberg] ETF Assets Set to Overtake Hedge Funds This Year

[WSJ] With Manhattan Luxury Property Hitting Highs, Some Fear Air Is Getting Thin

[WSJ] Fed Officials Tell Markets the Training Wheels Are Off

[CNBC] US shale has 'blinked' in battle against OPEC: IEA

[Bloomberg] China’s New Credit Growth Misses Economists’ Estimates in April

[Bloomberg] China’s April Economic Reports Signal PBOC Has More Work Ahead

[Bloomberg] China Home Sales Rise as Property Market Stabilizes Amid Easing

[Dow Jones] China Stimulus Aims at Restructuring Trillions in Local-Government Debt

[Reuters] French economy gathers steam, German growth slows

[Reuters] Oil glut worsens as OPEC market-share battle just beginning - IEA

[Dow Jones] China Slams U.S. Over South China Sea Plan

[AP] Iran warns Saudi, US against hindering Yemen aid ship