
Monday, April 13, 2020

Tuesday's News Links

[Reuters] Wall Street gains as banks, J&J kick off earnings

[Reuters] Global stocks gain on China trade data, easing pandemic worries

[Reuters] Oil slips as producer cuts fail to banish demand fears

[Reuters] U.S. deficit to soar to record $3.8 trillion in 2020, budget watchdog group says

[Reuters] Debt levels expected to sharply increase in 2020, stabilize as economies recover - IMF

[Reuters] Trump says plan to re-open shuttered U.S. economy to be completed soon

[Reuters] New York, California and other states plan for reopening as coronavirus crisis eases

[CNBC] Coronavirus live updates: WHO says ‘certainly not seeing the peak yet,’ Spain’s infection rate slows

[Reuters] JPMorgan profit plunges on coronavirus loan provisions

[AP] IMF: Global economy will suffer worst year since Depression

[CNBC] China’s exports, imports fell in March but not as much as expected

[Reuters] China says difficulties facing trade cannot be underestimated

[CNBC] Beijing may be using the coronavirus pandemic to advance its interests in the disputed South China Sea

[Bloomberg] Credit-Fund Industry Staggers in Brazil From Record Withdrawals

[NYT] U.S. Food Supply Chain Is Strained as Virus Spreads

[NYT] Economic Pain Will Persist Long After Lockdowns End

[WSJ] The Coronavirus Economic Reopening Will Be Fragile, Partial and Slow

[WSJ] Landlords, Companies Clash Over Rent Payments During Coronavirus

[WSJ] NY Fed Lays Out Plan to Pare Back Repo Liquidity Injections

[FT] Federal Reserve faces blowback over plan to back some cities over others